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Contains typos, sry.



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Thank you very much!

Melting Sky

Now anyone that casts identify on her will see her as Lost Heiress, not to mention her Draconic Surrogate Mother trait. That carries a VERY different connotation from Black Witch. I love the inverted Tolkien reference.


Hehe. As for Draconic surrogate mother, only dragons can see it. Thankfully

Melting Sky

Neat, I had actually wondered about that. Arthur and Vivian are going to get some hilarious reactions from people identifying them in the future. I can just see some sweaty inquisitor meeting the two of them and completely losing it once he realizes this madwoman isn't a tamer and that's a hulking unbound dragon she is giving scritches to.


Btw, there were already water cisterns in the mine mentioned in Chapter 49