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Two things to announce. 

First, we have a new tier available for those who want Bob but not Journey. 

Second, there will be a renaming of the different level of skills for Bob, but it doesn't change anything. It's just to harmonize them across the story and make things clearer. I'll probably go for novice then apprentice then intermediate then master and then pretentious words. 



Grand poobah of the first order?


Is bob a continuous story like journey?


Is there a reason that the combined tier is more than each on seperate (journey $5 - Bob $7 both $14)? not trying to be a prick just curious, anything I'm missing? Only literally just started Bob (chapter 5) despite being a patron for ages (to be honest the name turned me off reading for a while) and its really good so far, hope it continues to surprise!


I can't wrap my head around why someone would want to read one but not the other? Does not compute...


Ah ? I have journey at €5, Bob at €5 and both at €9.50 . So it may be an error.

Scott Fellman

Just out of curiosity what's the percentage of Bob to journey readers


I’ve been reading jbr, and can only pay for one month. I wanted to read 59 chapters of bob right now. Thats basically a whole book and worth it. Won’t have bob to read for a month or so but thats fine because it’s new, consider it like reading a regular book, gotta wait for all of book 2 to be written. But a month without JBR when I read it every week is demoralizing

Jake V

Food for thought because of that whole thing where if you want to change tiers you only need to pay the difference.... you could just keep switching tiers for free whenever you want to access the other books chapters. Not so sure the Author thought it through entirely....

Jake V

See, now your making me feel bad, obviously I'm just a monster for seeing this loophole :P

Melting Sky

I'm one of the weirdos in the Bob camp. Although we may be few in number now, we are most certainly On the Rise. Also, you seriously should give people on RR an idea of just how many chapters Bob is ahead here. I was just poking around out of curiosity and then I had to do a double-take. I signed up on the spot. Those less curious than myself probably have no idea how big the Patreon chapter loot box is.