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I love Arthur.


I love the Journey of Black and Red. But that said, you can not write this story fast enough for me.


Thanks for all the chapters


Thank you!


Haha local flavor ‘passable to middling’. Thx for chap.

Knight Axel

Ngl, this story has officially overtaken JBR as my favorite that you're writing. Awesome work!


I love playing with titles. My favorite is still "expect the unexpected" and the unexpected was the inquisition.

L Pedersen

I really wish you'd taken your time and slowly built up the relationship between Viv and Varska. Their initial felt really rail roaded. This disgraced exiled mage in the boonies has the wisdom of the ages and can deduce from just a short observation that the witch in front of her is an outlander, instead of the answer simply indicating that the mage isn't the font of all knowledge. And then Viviane just decides to spill the beans, because. Never questioning the decision to do so in the moment. She went into the meeting on the defensive, knowing that Varska didn't just want to sit down over tea and biscuits. I thought at first that this was all arranged and that the mayor was playing the bad cop to Varska's good cop, but it seems more likely that Varska will simply become an ally and supporter. I just wish you'd taken more time because I thought this was very jarring when compared to every other interaction before this. Regardless, I love the story, been bingeing since you made the first 18 chapters available thinking it would be enough for me... What a fool I turned out to be.


Yea I know. The immediate guess was planned to show how smart varska is, but spilling the beans was stupid. With that said, it makes sense for Viv to do it imo and she does remark on how naive that was.


I guess I'm a bit late to the party but, I also felt that the verbal unloading was a bit much...looking back I can understand but the cause wasn't developed well. It just doesn't make sense that someone so savy would unload unprompted like that. Perhaps you can add a bit more exposition between the two and her feelings toward varska as the conversation progresses such as an innate familiarity and trust/closeness.