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NB: The land of Varan is retconned as Baran. Why? because they should be able to pronounce V if it's in their country's name... dammit. Anyway, the change will be implemented in previous chapters over the next days when I can be arsed to do so.


Knight Axel

I wanted to point out the varan/baran thing a while back but was ultimately overruled by my timid nature and enjoyment of the story. I know I usually handle somebody pointing out an obvious mistake by thanking them publicly and then going home to cry in misery and shame, so technically my not correcting you is a compliment? I forgot where I'm going with this.


Thank you!


You're going to the typo channel to let me know what other mistakes I've made lol. I have np self-esteem left.


Any chance I could get in a *.doc/web view? *.pdf/epub isn't conducive for reading on a phone. Apologies if it is a hassle and if so ignore the first part of this. I understand if not, and I will deal. I'd also like to say, both stories are amazing and I am a huge fan. I started with Journey and just binged. When I got to Bob on RR I opened in a separate tab to read, and after binging that I am a full supporter of your works. Seriously, thank you for creating and continuing both fictions!


Normally the Books APP on iOS and Kindle viewer on any platform should open both formats. I'll send you the Gdoc link privately if you want, but I think you would be well-served having an APP that can read those. Let me know if You can't.


10-4! I didn't know kindle could view it. I'll mess about and see what I can accomplish. Thanks!!