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Cheers! Though 100 is not a prime number D: 113 is though ;) And Payed should be spelled as paid if it refers to a financial transaction. As fat as > As far as. Two golds > two gold Alreadu > already Magica > magical Ok, I'm done nitpicking ^^


Ill reupload because this part was unedited. I just wanted the story to stop at a stable spot for now.


I always appreciate more chapters, even if unedited


Thank you!




Feels like an an ending of a nice prologue. Thanks for the chapters


that was excellent ark hopefully we can get a few calm chapter next so we can observe her when she is not traveling and being worried abut surviving the next day


"A waste of perfectly valid fodder" ... ah, Solfis, never change.

Melting Sky

I'm surprised Vivian hasn't asked Solfis a bit more about dragons, particularly in regards to their intellects. She treats it as a sort of pet, but she basically has a rapidly growing dragon toddler who shows a lot of signs of budding intelligence beyond what you would expect of a simple animal. Dragons of myth vary greatly depending on the cultural and contextual lens they are seen through but in many renditions, they are brilliant beings whose intellects can match or even exceed humanity's greatest geniuses. Arthur may turn out to be more an adopted daughter than a pet.


“No. not like the forest.” not - Not TFTC! I really enjoyed the forest and cloud-watching break at the end of the chapter.


I see, thanks for the heads up! I've now edited my post on the discord typos thread to remove the redundant corrections.