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Hey all, just to notify that chapters up to 14 are now available to First Readers.  So go ahead and read!

Next chapter of Journey is 90% done so you can expect it later today or tomorrow at the latest. Have a lovely weekend!



Now i feel dumb i dident realise the other chapter was exlusiv for higer tiers and was vondering why no new chapter come out as i normaly read on the front page

Adrian Gorgey

I normally wait for a good number of chapters to accumulate before starting a new story. I think this one is juuuust getting ripe. Looking forward to it

L Pedersen

It's a double edged sword. If you start reading with just a few chapters out then it won't catch your attention but the longer you wait the worse it will be when you run out of chapters! Maybe it's better to just wait for the book....


I'll unlock more chapters on occasion but the bulk will still be for promoter tier.