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Normally I keep communications here at a minimum but there are officially a hundred people supporting me and that means a lot to me. I am flattered beyond words. So there, please accept the expression of I'm super grateful. And chapter 46 should be done tomorrow.


L Pedersen

Without hyperbole, I think yours is the best vampire story available. And I looked. I used to read tons in the genre when I was younger and most vampire fiction that is labled as such doesn't even have a vampire protagonist. Or they're a vampire but they act, think, feel, etc etc like a human. Oh and so much of it is written with a YA audience in mind. gah. So really, thank you for sharing this story with us, I'm willing to pay for the privilege and others are as well it seems.


This story is amazing! Thanks for sharing it!


And thanks for supporting it, much appreciated and I feel so validated.


And I'm forever grateful. I'll keep working on making this unique and wonderful and I'm glad you are here to read.


It's a cute post to read nowadays 🙃