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So Bob is late. I intended to make the announcement that I was taking a short break sooner but I wanted to release the chapter first, only I'm really struggling with it. I am currently traveling in Japan with Void Herald. I also need to plan the next arcs on both Changeling and Bob, as such there will be no Bob or Changeling chapters next week. The late Bob chapter will be published soonish. It's really just the last 2k words I'm having difficulties with.

Sorry about that. There are just moments when making things fund is... difficult.



No!!!!!! But have fun on your travels

John McGuire

It happens. Get well soon


That's fine. Take it easy and take care of yourself first. We'll wait. Cheers!

william wallace

Thanks for the update. Rest recover and have fun in Japan.


Take the time you need. The story is all the better for it 🙂


Don't push yourself to much, and have fun in Japan.

Emily Gurnavage

Aw well, it'll come eventually at least. This is one of the more professionally written works I follow, so I've never much minded the waits. Id rather it be up to standards and take longer. . Enjoy the trip! I wanna go one day. I was born in Japan (Iwakuni) but left at 1.5yrs old and have never gone back. I dont speak the language or know toooo extensively the culture or nothin, but wanna see the place anyway.

Nicholas Del Rossi

No problem, mate. Your story is not only great but great value you only charge five dollars and we get all these chapters and they’re such a ridiculously high-quality enjoy Japan. I’d say I can’t wait for the next chapter as that’s the expression for liking something as much as I like this story but it seems like I’m going to have to wait, so I suppose instead I’ll say see you next week I’ll be here about the second. It comes out.


Turns-out to stop a burnout, then a breaks is just the thing! so take some time, we will be just fine, promise not to cling! Just come back to amuse when a muse can choose to sing!

Young Youghurt

Please give yourself time and love you need to restore your oceans of passion. (I would love to hate and dig into passionless derivative writing of certain V🤐🤐🤐🤐 but it's not appropriate and silence is golden)


Have fun mister author! Burn the burnout back. Take as long as you need.

Andrew Moreton

Take your time and release things when you are happy with them, not because you have to keep to a schedule

Mikkel Poulsen

Take your time we aren't going anywhere and instead enjoy the vacation :)

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

Have fun in japan. I loved my 2019 trip there. Don't mess with your trip stressing about other things

Daniel B

Hope you enjoy the trip


Take a break and enjoy the vacation bro. You deserve it.

Steven C

> I am currently traveling in Japan with Void Herald. There's gotta be a story kernel here. Two French litRPG authors who write in English having wacky, mostly-idiomatic adventures...


Relax, have fun and forget the world for a few moments. Take as long as you like and more before returning.


No stress! Take your time.

The Uub

I would rather have a late, well-written Bob chapter than have an on-time, chopped, insult to world literature.


If you’re not having fun writing Bob I say take a few weeks off of it to regain some momentum. It’s a great story! I just hope you do it the best justice instead of struggling through it and quality not being great. Just my opinion! Have fun on your trip!


take your time, enjoy your trip.


Never beat the Muse for content. I think taking the time you need is important and guarantees us Bob at her best.


Jealous! Have fun on the trip. Rest and recover

Dean Sharpe

Neato. Idk what to say to that so watch ネ土会ェ貝南犬☆カゞんIよ″るノDA!!。¦ずんだもん on YouTube. It's fun.

David Morrison

okonomiyaki here thee come. Have fun in Nipon! :)


Enjoy your holiday well be here when you get back. Tapping our feet and looking pointedly at when a watch would be on out wrist. 😀

Young Youghurt

That I hope Mecanimus won't turn out like Vain Herald. Edit: Chasing multi medium influence and chapter release rate instead of quality. Edit2: and not doing any inovative fresh ideas anymore just pandering to mainstream with combinig two popular things at the time. (There is no shame in just doing the most popular thing without any passion but it's no great honor either.)


It's been a while since I read Void stories. Can you give me an example so I can check it out.

Young Youghurt

Well his first story magik online was passion project (it was also risky as in VH used imagination to write something different than everybody else as VH became more successful VH stopped doing anything that would be risky and different. That is opposed to Mecanimus who based the whole event chain of Bob on a god of luck wanting to know what it was like in female body). Vainquier was based on his and his friends world and experiences from dnd. After that comes never die twice a shorter story to bridge the time between Vainquier and Perfect run. That's when I think he started chasing flashy but ultimately shallow worlds. Evil mc necromancer+nordic world and it all ends evily (there is "revelation" but it's not exactly suprising just not badly written). Kairos was I think the bigget let down because VH got burned out and had to take some time off. You would need to dig into old author notes and patreon only notes but it's there. I don't control eloquently enough to convey this properly probably but just look at themes of VH stories and try to compare them with the most popular fictions six months before they were released. TLDR: Vain Herald is a pulp fiction writter while Mecanimus is the Pulp Fiction writter.


Take your time. Enjoy your trip

Young Youghurt

Nah I am sorry for this probably incomprehensible rant. Flanderization just pisses me off so much.


hope u enjoy ur trip and find ur groove again

Kitty kat

Have fun!


take all the time you need - I always appreciate authors just being honest about having a block/burnout and openly communicating that instead of just vanishing for months


Enjoy your trip!

Toni Pampliega

Hi. Have fun in Japan! But where is the chapter from last week?!