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Victory is short-lived, but things are ever changing... what is the future of the King's plan??


- Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/894386662/4587318b8f

- WATCH ALONG Link: https://youtu.be/i4fU3jsxxDc

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Ep 128: Pouf and Youpi see King Meruem's ravaged body. The sky is filled with their cries of anguish. Tears of despair streak down their cheeks. However, the King is still alive. Pouf immediately comes up with an idea to save the King. He tells the King to eat him. As Pouf sacrifices himself to save the King, his tears of despair become tears of elation. And in the end...

Ep 128: The resurrected King calls himself Meruem and appears to have lost some of his memories. With Shaiapouf and Menthuthuyoupi by his side, he returns to the palace to regain his memories. Pouf believes that as a Royal Guard who must carry out the will of the Queen, the King is better off not remember Komugi, so he sends his clones back to the palace to find Komugi and eliminate her. He soon comes across Killua standing on the wall of the palace with Komugi on his back.


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Hunter x Hunter Eps 128 and 129 - WATCH ALONG



Also! The final 12 coming up soon episodes is totally worth it. Because IT HAS A NEW INTRO! (Visually) And most importantly the final arc remember his original goal? So no spoilers but trust me its worth finishing this show completely. 👌

James Moss

That detail about you know who is definitely a bit of a spoiler tbh, you might consider editing that out haha. Also the intro is still the same song lol.

Flev Dorin

Idk wtf the 1st half of 128 was, lol. I did remembered them feeding Meruem and all, but didn't remembered the whole "orgasmic" moment. I agree with the pace of the whole resurrection, it seemed a little rushed, but as many times I said before, there's a point. This whole ark is filled with multiple story arks, and the resurrection moment was "necessary" to complete one of those arks, but the way it'll go, it will not undercut Netero's sacrifice. And the way all goes, it'll reflect, in a very epic op way, real life issues that humans go through.