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Two of the show's VERY BEST episodes?!


- Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/888152316

- WATCH ALONG Link: https://youtu.be/CroJ8mJYJZM

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Ep 126: Netero uses his ultimate technique, 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva, to repeatedly strike the King into the ground, as though he is swatting a fly around. However, the King is unscathed. The King attempts to counter Netero's attacks while Netero mounts a defense, leading to an intricate melee.

Ep 127: "Mereum. That's your name." Netero finally tells the King his name. In the next moment, he is engulfed by blinding light. When Netero stopped his own heart, he triggered the powerful bomb inside his body named Miniature Rose. Netero self-destructed to put an end to the battle.


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Hunter x 126 and 127 WATCHALONG


Flev Dorin

I love the duality in this show, like we spent the most part of this ark portraying and building up the Chimera Ants as this big bad monsters, as evolutions apex predator, but as Netero said: "don't underestimate humanity's infinite potential for evolution!", and the way is portrayed in that ep., it can be a great power for good or for destruction. I see that you guys were surprised at finding out Meruem's name, you already knew that, it's even in some of the synopsys you copy-paste for the videos, you forgot and that's fine, but I TOLD YOU not to forget Netero's name! From the first ep we saw him on that ship with Killua, I told you he's gonna be op and here we f'n are! Don't just rest now, it's not over yet! We still have atleast 1 epic battle to come + some wrap ups to some interesting secondary stories.


So gooood