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For all you lovely & sexy Patrons who donated $30.00 or more, we promised google hang out sessions!

Our first google hang out will be this Friday,  April 28th at 5:00PM (Pacific Standard Time)

Right now on the list for the google hang out to include is

1) Totally Jumbled (T.J.)

2) Andrew Hays 

3) Rosa Parra

4) Gareth Hood

Looking forward to meeting you guys on google hang out. We'll send another post for additional details. Just get your google hang out account ready for Friday!

If you weren't able to pledge $30.00 or more, totally understandable - you all are just as lovely & sexy as well - and we'll most likely be posting our session on Youtube.



Did you mean the 28th? 21st is already past...


sounds good!




Well shoot, I found out I won't be available at that time on Friday.... sorry. Guess I'll catch the next one.


we'll probably change up the time slot. I'll message you when we do the next one so we can make sure you're included!


Thanks, appreciated. Have fun, and keep up the great work. You're Awesome!