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Got us a TERRIFIC pair of episodes today!  Join us for a couple of rich & fascinating showdowns - including one of our VERY FAVORITE episodes to date!!


- Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/878459954/2267f35074

- WATCH ALONG Link: https://youtu.be/72Rab2LPllc


Ep 122: Zeno's Dragon Head flies through the night sky to deliver its cargo to the battlefield. The King stands on its arm. Netero stands on its body. Upon arrival, The King asks Netero why he wants to fight...

Ep 121: As the fight between The King and Chairman Netero begins, Ikalgo is still underground lamenting his inability to finish off Brovada. However, Ikalgo recalls his mission to find Palm and pulls himself together...


Links To All Our HUNTER x HUNTER Reactions:


Hunter x Hunter 122 and 123 WATCHALONG



PERFECT TIMING for this upload. I just got back from 3 hard work days and watching these with you both brought instant smile to my face. The fact that you guys stuck through all the hardships and still have the professional focus to appreciate the arc here, it really makes me want you both to succeed. Greg i always love to hear what you have to say here, i can tell you are a true anime fan. both of you

Flev Dorin

I said it from the 1st ep we saw that little fella, Ikalgo is awesome! I love this ark because of the many intertwined stories, some that you don't hear about for a while and then comes back, like this Gyro story from that one great black&white ep that you guys raved about, and if you recall that ep it was pretty similar upbringing to the one Welfin here told, so you can see why they felt close to each other, and that story is not done yet, there's more to it to come. I still really like the opening, I was hoping once the show starts getting more exciting, that the op will also seem more fun for you, but regardless it's kind of funny to see you guys "suffering" every ep through the op. :))