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Alrighty, Super Sexy Rejects, so Tara never saw this, I saw it once over 10 years ago...during that period of my life when I just didn't know how to function unless I was super baked (yup those were my early 20's)
Anywhoo, didn't remember these movies, and people in my circle always rave about these movies, but can never chime in on the convo other than "I remember it being cute"
BUT DAMN! This movie is phenomenal haha.

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/EcCs-SM2Kmc

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/xBYBsavufHg

More Movie Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Movie%20Reaction


How To Train Your Dragon WATCHALONG


Lorenzo Baxter

Super happy that you're reacting to this movie, And hopefully the whole trilogy! The visual storytelling is masterful this movie, just like you said Greg. While Toothless behaves very much like a cat, he's so smart and his intelligence and his nonverbal communication he has makes him seem so human, the only difference is he can't speak. Really cool how well they've balanced two protagonists in one film. I know we root for Hiccup and Toothless, but from Stoicks perspective, you can't really blame him. To him, he sees everyday, the dragons that raid their villages, steal their sheep, their food, and destroy their homes and their lives. To Stoick, they are the ones defending themselves. One brilliant detail with their storytelling is how Stoick reacted after he walked away from Hiccup. He was literally taken aback with what he's just said to his son. I didn't hate him after that cause I knew that he did truly love his boy. But like everyone else, he's human. So his shortsightedness and stubbornness (that he's also passed on to his son 😅) are just part of the package. I'm actually really excited for you guys to watch the next one. Like Kung Fu Panda, I think the second one is the best of the trilogy.


meh, not really sold on this movie