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Now that's more like it!!  On the heels of last week's Family Feud, we get a BUNCH of headway into Mary's dealings with the British Men of Letters & its effects on Sam & Dean...  join us for some SPN goodness!!! 

"The Raid"

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/tIBBjsZxMhg

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/tIBBjsZxMhg


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)




Flev Dorin

About that comment from last week, Greg explained himself pretty well, like you won't have the same level of enjoyment for everything, especially when there are many different shows out there, like I have a diverse catalogue of shows that I watch, and some I get very hyped, and some I stay and "analyze" more like Greg said, and sometimes it just doesn't hit you like everyone else for whatever reason, an example from me is I love, and I mean I LOVE Attack on Titan, very action packed show, very hyped for it, other show that I watch: Jujutsu Kaisen, again very action packed show, it has a big hype currently...it doesn't hit for me! I like the characters (especially Gojo, obviously), the action is good really great animated, good world building, but just doesn't hit at the same level as AoT for whatever reason, but I still admire and praise the show, just not with the same level of enthusiasm. I really liked this ep! It's one of the few from this season that I remembered and awaited for you to react! I liked more the last ep than you guys, even if there were many things all at once, it still was a fun ep, but this one was more succinct, it was intense, clevver with the vamps twist, got more character build from Ketch & Mick, and I always enjoyed seeing the Alpha vamp whenever he makes a cameo, ironically you said the vamps are the least interesting spn creatures (and I can agree), but the Alpha I find him one of the most entartaining,


I love the addition of Adam Fergus (Mick) and David Haydn-Jones (Ketch). For me the British MOL stuff can be hit or miss but it brought us those 2 guys who (like I mentioned) I adore. Once you finish the show you should go back and see those 2 at some of the SPN cons. Quite entertaining. And if you really want to be surprised check out David Haydn-Jones in some of his Hallmark movies, lol.

Jules R

I agree with you on that the last episode sucked, I usually skip it on my rewatch cause it's so awful. This was definitely a better episode. I love leader Sam as he's usually not in that role with Dean around. I also love the drama with Dean and Mary in the beginning, it finally being said that Mary left them after not being around their whole life, but then the flip side the boys understanding that Mary is not the woman they dreamed about all their life, she's human and real.


I have to agree with Jules R. I really liked seeing Sam taking on the leadership position and seeing him give them directions about how to make new bullets and I also really liked how Jared handled that scene as you mentioned with the hurt in his face, but put it aside for now. I can’t remember if Mary knows the history of the colt when it comes to Sam and Dean. It was tough seeing Dean call her “Mary” to her face, but it’s good that all of that came out during the episode and in the end, Dean came when he heard she was in danger and understands that they are all adults. He’s been holding on to the idea of her the way she was when he was a child and he needed to let go of the version of her.


This was a good episode. Noticeably better. It's understandable, since the writer and director for this one are both better than for the last one. Really can tell how much of a difference it makes to get the right combination. The writing team from the previous episode are not very well liked in the fandom because of their typical poor quality - IMO. But they are co-producers in the show, so we're stuck with them. They can write decent episodes, but it's so dependent on the story and who else is involved in the process. I totally agree with you about Mary. I was really disappointed in how they were using her. It really felt like they were doing this to keep her busy out of the main story. Same with Cas. The addition of the BMOL likely meant that they had to have Cas out of the story to either save money, or to make the story easier. For some reason. Maybe the same with Mary. Makes me think the writer's just maybe weren't up to the challenge in finding a better way to use Mary in the story.


It cracks me up how Ms. Three PhDs totally failed as head of security and surveillance, not to mention basic common sense by running directly at the Alpha vamp with what looked like a letter opener...