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This one was chock FULL of potential, and uh...  well, let's just have a good time sailing out to sea & ride the waves of whimsy, shall we??

"Legend of the Sea Devils"

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Doctor Who 13x8 - Reaction Highlights [re-up]

This is "Doctor Who 13x8 - Reaction Highlights [re-up]" by Ryan Right on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Tori Jeri

i feel like that’s the thing about chibnall, he has so many good ideas with lots of potential but the execution usually falls flat. i do really like the next episode though! it was a moment and after that it’s new stuff! i can’t wait


Back to the highlights for this, as I haven't the mental strength to sit through this one trying give it the benifit of the doubt. By all measure of the things I care about from an episode of Doctor Who. This is very arguably a terrible episode. Everything I dislike about this one falls in line with the same pattern during the Chibnall era. Rushed. Mediocre and unrealised ideas. Crowbarred elements forced under our noses without the substantial history to help us buy them. Touching moments that should draw you into the story further, but only seem to echo within the hollow plot they are suspended in. A paint by numbers structure, box ticking our way through a expositional driven narrative structure. Thankfully a much much better special to follow.

Arifur R

Yeah this one is ROUGH

Calvin Severo Panho

Rumor has that the Sea Devil actor is still holding A+Z on his Nintendo 64 controller to do that LONG JUMP from land to the flying boat! https://media.tenor.com/H1Gz4--vKgcAAAAC/sea-devil-jump.gif


There were some really interesting rumours about this episode before it aired, that after viewing the episode make a lot of sense. Take the rest of this comment with a pinch of salt, as I'm just relaying rumours (though I do think they seem legit). If this feels to you as it does to me - that *something else* that made up another 50% of this episode and has since been cut, this would give a good reason as to why. The rumour said something along the lines of there being something offensive to Chinese people/ culture in its portrayal of a historical figure, and so the whole episode had to be reworked. Again, this was *before* the episode came out, so I personally think it seems pretty likely. I think it's important to note though, that this episode was directed by a Chinese director, so it seems - as least to me - like this was an honest mistake, one that an Exec acting in good faith could reasonably assume would be avoided by hiring a Chinese person to direct. I should also say though, I don't want it to seem like I'm laying it at the director's feet. Especially considering that she's really talented. Her turning in this absolute mess doesn't make sense, unless something major had to be cut for a significant reason. Without knowing the exact details of what was supposedly offensive, it's very hard to make any judgements about it, other than to me, it seems as though the issue would more likely be in something like said historical figure not being given the respect chinese viewers would want, as opposed to something racist. I genuinely can't fathom anything that would be considered racist ever getting to the point that this clearly did, especially after hiring a Chinese director. That's why I feel like it makes more sense that this would be a fairly niche historical issue, rather than one of race or something less nuanced/ subtle. To me, the episode being in that state make a lot of sense, especially when considering the Doctor and Yaz's scenes. They stand apart from the rest of the episode, in that they seem like **actual scenes**. Going off what we know of how the Doctor Who writer's credits work, Chibnall coming in and writing these extra scenes so as to be able to work around the mess they had with everything else they had shot, would explain why he has a co writing credit on this. So yes, a very very bad episode. Like pretty damn terrible - and I've loved most of Chibnall's run so far. I would love to know the story behind it, because this is clearly a major mistake - there's no way this was anyone's original vision. (btw, i wrote this without watching your reaction, as this episode is just so bad I'd rather forget it ever happened. Next episode is great, though!)


I can't wait for them to see the ending of the next episode. I have a feeling they'll go nuts.