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Finally catching up with Paul WS Anderson's classic adaptation many have called one of the BEST video game movies of all time!!  ...so far + the lovable camp / cheesiness lol.  So fun to finally see what all the hype was about.  Join us!!!

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/6P43252erC8

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/sVIWIaYm5TI

More Movie Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Movie%20Reaction


Mortal Kombat WATCHALONG


Sara McDougall

Teenage me had such a crush on Johnny Cage. It's so campy but it's supposed to be and it's so much fun. And gave us the techno MK theme remix that actually played on the radio as a single!


Robin Shou ❤️ This movie is still a blast!


Yes, the follow up I wanted! I'm singing the theme already!


Roxy I love that your eye shadow matched your pants. Eyes on the prize. If that joke offends anyone, I challenge you to MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!


This movie is definitely very cheesey but it's very Gouda 😜 I make a point to watch this one and Annihilation at least once a year since they came out because it's been my favourite movie/game series since I was a little kid and I'm a very nostalgic person and clutch tightly onto old favourite movies like this ❤️

Dustee Lodholtz

Could you guys start adding what streaming service you use on the description part? That would be sooooo helpful! Can't wait to watch 🖤🤟🏻


Saw this movie opening night with the gents who played Johnny Cage and Liu Kang in the 1st MK arcade game. Got to play against them at the arcade and attend a tourney for MK, then went to the movie. Such a rad experience.

Heather Geer

This is a childhood classic to me! Haven’t seen it in forever but I forgot how silly it is in the best way 😂 And you CANNOT beat that intro music! Little trivia: Cameron Diaz was supposed to play Sonya Blade but got injured, so Bridgette Wilson-Sampras took over.


Okay now you should watch annihilation and the recent one! This movie is so camp haha but I can see how us gamers would appreciate this before Hollywood was paying any attention to gamers