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Was a little on the fence about covering it only cause we were sad to see Henry Cavill go, however, it is his last season so figured why not! You guys enjoy the season?

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/BgqL2fJ4rI8

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/HgVXbDsU6ik

More Witcher Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=The%20Witcher


The Witcher 3x1 Watch Along



For what it's worth, I'm really glad to see you guys reacting to this, and I did enjoy the season so far (some episodes more than others). I think I actually first became a patron of you guys for your season 1 reactions because you were the only reactors I could find who were just enjoying the show for what it was. I don't know what happened behind the scenes in this show, but I will say that I feel like the show creators had a bit of an impossible task on their hands with this. Like you guys, I REALLY enjoyed Season 1 (I've played the games and know the plot of the books, though I haven't read more than the first short story collection because I didn't enjoy the writing style). In Season 1, it felt like they were trying to be faithful to the books, but had to make some changes for the books to work in a TV format. And I really think those changes were necessary, because from what I've seen of the books, they DON'T work in a TV format. The books that season 1 covered, Ciri wasn't even alive for 95% of the material. In the book that season 2 covered, Yen was essentially absent. In Season 1, it felt like they tried to get creative on how to make that work (with the timelines) and they tried to stay faithful to the source material when possible. But book readers who watched the show could only see the (admittedly big) changes they made from the books, and first time watchers complained that the show was too confusing (I had one friend who told me the timelines thing was stupidly complicated and she never understood it, then later told me she had watched the show in the background while she was doing other things). So Season 2 rolls around, and they try to go more simple, more blockbuster, and there's more book changes, and the book fans get even angrier. Honestly, I have all the Witcher subreddits muted right now because they've become so nasty about not just discussing the flaws of the show, but also hating the people involved in making it. Season 3, despite its flaws, seems to be actually pretty faithful to the plot of the books. Some characters are pretty different, but the overall arc seems to be pretty similar. But by this point the community has became a feedback loop of negativity, and there's no way they're going to change their minds. Which is fine, there's no requirement for them to like it, but I do feel like the task of converting this series in a way that pleases both book readers and non-book readers was pretty impossible. Me, I'm just here for the family vibes with the three leads and the cool fights. And season 3 has that so I'm good lol. Anything else I enjoy is bonus extra to me (and there were some bonus extra things for me to really enjoy in Season 3, so great!) But I'm sad that the show is so drenched in controversy now. TL;DR - given all the nastiness in the community right now, I just had a great time watching you guys enjoy father Geralt lol.

Heather Geer

I agree, bummed to see Cavill go but am curious how Liam Hemsworth will do. The main reason I’m excited is bc a friend/old schoolmate of mine directed the last 2 episodes of this season! So I look forward to seeing what you think about them when they come out.


I was surprised by your take on the review side, 'I absolutely loved this episode, I also haven't watched for a while and I missed seeing henry do cool things. Also c'mon anything with magic and elves vs humans is fun and going to win over most people when done with effort.

Brandon Bowers

It is fair to remember that Cavill made his decision to leave several months after filming wrapped.