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"Santabarbaratown 2"  --  aka Lethal Pineapple!!

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS: https://vimeo.com/771832196/845a1812f6

WATCH ALONG Link: https://youtu.be/ZlibOTV3--I

Episode Synopsis:  Following on directly from the Season 6 finale, Henry is struggling for his life in a Santa Barbara hospital, Shawn is determined to catch his father's shooter at all costs!!


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Kev B

27 or more glorious weeks

Flev Dorin

I forgot to mention this last week, you probably touched on this too, but it always feels like a special ep. whenever Henry is on the field with the guys, whether it's a simpler case like the retirement house case, from S2, the Yang eps, or this case, they always keep his character for special occasions, and even though he is retired now, we'll still have plenty of special Henry moments, one of which comes very soon in one of my favortie eps, in a Don Corleone "just when i thought i was out they pull me back in" like moment. About Psych: The Musical, this is a feature lenght TV movie that aired a couple of months after the S7 finale, the movie is a out of canon/chronology story that doesn't have great conections or impact on the show, but it's not to say it's a skippable thing, it does offer a wrap up for some stories and characters that might of not gotten their due, as for when to watch it? Honestly it's a thing where you can watch it at any time, whether is after 7x6 cause S7 is all over the place so that's the easiest point in story to watch The Musical, or after S7 like we did, or even use it as a buffer between the series finale and the first movie (which is def canon), I'll leave it up to you John. 🍍You're on a roll! let's try to end this show with a good streak. This ep left alot of mess at the Psych office, good thing Gus cleaned the desk and shelves while Shawn brought the jolly ranchers snacks. Trivia: One of tha plaques at the gun range reads "Lucinda Barry Memorial Tournament" First Place: Carlton Lassiter. Lucinda Barry is Lassie's partner from the pilot, and the "memorial" part is an in-joke about how the character was written off.😂

Annelise White

For Psych: The Musical: I think you could watch it whenever (like Flev commented) as it doesn’t really have a concrete placement on the Psych timeline. It honestly depends on how long you wanna wait to watch it because it’s a BLAST :) if it were me, I’d watch it sooner rather than later (we start to get a little bit of a multi-episode plot going mid-season 7). I’d personally choose to watch it sometime before 7x6 or 7x7 (like someone else had said previously). But honestly, you can watch it whenever, as a nostalgic interlude, just know it may not connect to any specific plot within the season. You can’t go wrong either way - it’s really up to you on that :) —— Since it’s probably obvious by now That I’m obsessed with how writers incorporate character development within storylines, here are my favorite thoughts on this episode :) I really loved how they structured this episode. Normal episodes tend to have the competitive playfulness element between Shawn/Gus and the supporting characters where everyone gets an even amount of screen time and usually their own B-plot. But I like how this episode feels like Shawn’s plot is front-and-center and we are really focused in on Shawn’s journey through processing (and arming) his trauma in order to catch Carp. And rather than having several side-plots, the other characters come in consistently to remind Shawn of how much they support him - just to let him know, in their own ways, “hey, we see your pain, you’re not alone, and we’re here to help you through it”. It’s really touching. And it says a lot about the writing that we, the audience, know Lassie (the least emotionally open character) well enough to understand that “Get out of the car, Shawn” = “Yeah, yeah, love you too.” Like you said, these types of episode really hone in on the characters to remind us just how much the people we care about have changed over time. I see them kind of like a per-season “status update” where we get the chance to see where everyone is at emotionally and relationship-wise. Also, not sure if they had a budget increase, wanted to freshen things up, or some other reason for the awesome change is Shawn’s ‘psychic-observations’ effect, but I LOVE IT. I like to think they knew Shawn was going to be going through some intense stuff this episode, already had an effects upgrade in mind, and saw the perfect opportunity to use new effects to emphasize how monumental of an event this was on Shawn’s life. Ahh, trauma, the ultimate motivator to leveling-up. 😅 Anyways, thanks again!! I always really appreciate your insight and empathetic approach to analyzing shows! As someone whose brain AND heart constantly work overtime and equally as much, YOURE ability to see the life behind characters and their stories really resonates with me. Dont know what I’m going to do when this is all over… I feel like y’all are all my friends and it’s going to be weird not getting to chat with y’all every week… We may need to find you another show because, man, I’m gonna miss this!! Love you guys, John, and all my fellow Psych-O’s!! ♥️♥️♥️


i really love the little moments of shawn and henry showing that they do love each other and love this episode cause it shows how much shawn will do for his father.