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"Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part"  --  aka DESPEREAUX RETURNS!!

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/705515050/c4f98821fe
WATCH ALONG Link: https://youtu.be/F1107QIHZlM

Episode Synopsis: Shawn & Gus are invited to prison by their old nemesis Pierre Desereaux, who uses them to escape and pull one last job before his extradition.. However, he needs the duo's help for real when he is framed for murder...


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Lewis Burridge

I love this show more than most and you've still got solid gold to come but spoilers about future episode titles need to be avoided at all costs.

Flev Dorin

You said it in your review, in this ep everybody played to their best characteristics! Shawn doing his thing, Gus being a cynical nancy yet still sticking by his friend, Lassie trying to do his job yet being socially oblivious, Henry, even Buzz being a good friend and offer an ear to someone clearly in distress, and ofcourse fan favorite Pierre Despereaux (there's a reason why every ep. he appears in is rated high on IMDb). And WHAT A SHOT that bridge scene!!😍😍 Yeah I think you gonna like the next ep,😉 and the next one after that, and the one after that, and..basically there are just bangers for the rest of the season! 🍍X2. Clue: It's the little brother of today's cameo guest. (towards the end of the ep.) Trivia: The Gordon Mark Hotel the boys were staying at was named after one of the producers Gordon Mark. That's all I got.


The Shawn and Jules scene at the end is one of my favorite moments of the show. Both James Roday and Maggie Lawson are incredible in it. But what really sells it for me is how good Maggie is at conveying emotions through her face; just how her face lights up when Shawn says he's been thinking about getting a car, or how earlier in the episode you can see how upset she was at Shawn when he asked her why she broke up with Declan. Plus Roday and Lawson have great chemistry (i'm sure that them dating at the time helped too lmao). Overall it's a stellar episode, from the return of the great Despereaux to the official begining of Shules. And great reaction from you John, as always, can't wait for you to react to the rest of the season!!!


Now THIS might be one of my favorite episodes, I'm a sucker for Jules and Shawn lol Maggie and James are great actors but they're also fantastic reactors, the way they listen to each other, I know that sounds weird and I feel like I'm not explaining it well, but I hope you know what I mean. I just really love this show, and I appreciate your insights. I've said this before and I'm gonna keep saying it; I'm really enjoying watching this show again with you, John!

Annelise White

While I could write a novel about this episode, I'm at work and might actually need to do some of it soon haha. So here are a few things I absolutely adore about this episode: 1. Cary Elwes, because DUH. Choosing him to play Despereaux was such a brilliant pick. Beyond the obvious reasons of his acting abilities, I think that, like you said, he’s played so many beloved characters in our lifetimes. It's because of this that he’s become a familiar face that we giddily adore regardless of what he's in. Whenever we see him on screen, we project the same wonder and awe we feel for Elwes onto Despereaux in the same way that Shawn feels about his criminal hero. If they had chosen an actor that wasn’t as well known or known for different types of works, we’d probably feel differently about and take a while to warm up to Despereaux's character. 2. McNab and Shawn’s conversation at the beginning is SO GOOD. Roday's delivery of his lines is so breathlessly simple, it feels 100% genuine and real. Also, I love McNab haha he’s so wholesome and refreshing. Not to mention he cares so deeply for those around him. I’m so happy they decided to further his character beyond Season 1 and into the series . 3. Shawn’s monologue at the end. It’s one single metaphor. That’s it. Just one. I LOVE IT. Steve Frank’s writing of these characters is perfect. Shawn and Juliet understand each other so well that Shawn’s single metaphor is just enough to show Juliet that he’s serious too. It’s a contrast from the seemingly lengthy dialogue he throws out during his usual conversations haha. Anyways, thanks for the reaction, as always! Here’s to all the pineapples to come! :)