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"In the Name of Honor"

To Watch Our Review | CLICK HERE: https://youtu.be/92nvnYskUwk?t=1219

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The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Finalé STREAM ALONG


Chase Gardner

So good. I stayed up all night last night to watch the finale!

Gail Ferguson

Such a great finale! Cad Bane was beeping...not sure he is completely done for...


I enjoyed this episode. However, having never watched Clone Wars or Rebels I’m sure I was missing a lot regarding this Cad Bane dude. He was awesome. But I seriously wonder if The Herbert family wants to sue Disney. Did anyone else keep thinking the Spice Must Flow during all this? Major Dune vibes from this…Especially since this is a desert world…I was all THEY NEED MUAD’DIB…anyway, this is the way, may the Force be with you, and fear is the mind killer. Great finale and great commentary.


Boba boba bo boba boba boba Fett!!!