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"Think Tank"  --  featuring another great gaggle of Guest Stars!

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/674676139/2a98d80d0f

Episode Synopsis: Shawn & Gus are recruited into a think tank to prevent the murder of a business tycoon, but afterwards they realize that one of the members plans to use the assassination ideas they brainstormed to kill the client instead...


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Psycyh 4x14 - STREAM


Flev Dorin

I'm thinking you have a similar setup like we've seen at Greg's (one screen for watching the ep, one for the OBS or whatever software you use to record it, a mic for you, and one that you use for syncing (that's what it is that you keep turning to your right). plus more paintings on the walls, the penaps ofcourse. and the iced coffee or smoothie of the week. I'm just guessing, I might be way off.😂 🍍Yes that counts, but there were actually 2 cameos in those first few seconds, the one I was refering to was a pencil eraser that young Shawn used in the prologue. Next week's cameo is funny enough in the last few seconds of the ep. Trivia: In the scene when we first met the think tank, when presenting the statistician Shawn replied with "but didn't Winnie from The Wonder Years also did that, and wouldn't be cooler to have her instead?", that's a reference to today's ep writer Andy Berman who played Chuck Coleman on The Wonder Years.


What do I think is in front of you? Easy. A toilet and a fog machine. Plot twist, you've been filming in a spooky bathroom this whole time. You would not have done well in the think tank. Thank you for dancing! Have you ever heard of the Shark Arm case in Australia? Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.


I generally don't think of what else is in the room beyond the "window" we can see. If I had to venture a guess you seem to be rather snug in a corner so it seems as if the space is playing double duty. Living room seems less likely to me than a bedroom so that's my guess. But who knows...I'm operating off of incomplete information lol