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"Lets Get Hairy"  --  aka An American Werewolf in SANTA BARBARA!!!

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Linkhttps://vimeo.com/658216341/50a9bba5a8

Episode Synopsis:  Shawn and Gus are hired to protect a guy who thinks he's a werewolf and find there's more to his story than they thought...


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Psych 4x8 STREAM



What coincidence that we're watching this ep today. Tonight's a full moon *ooO0oOOoo0oO* πŸ˜‚

Flev Dorin

This was a fun silly episode, but the next one will be a more dramatic/thriller ep! 🍍It was a bottle shaped pineapple that the person behind Henry was holding, right when Henry called Shawn and the camera pulled away, you can see it behind him. Don't worry about next week's pineapple, there is one! But unfortunately is not "visible on the camera", an error recognised by the show itself afterwards. It's on a doormat if you wanna know. Trivia: Alot of refs to old warewolf movies obviously, one specific ref is when Stuart wakes up covering himself with the ballons is a ref to American Werewolf in London where the main character wakes up naked and takes the balloons from a boy to cover himself.πŸ˜‚ Bonus trivia from the podcast: Keep an eye on Lassie's face! whenever you see him do a "mean mug/annoyed face", that's actually Omundson's "I'm trying not to burst out laughing face".πŸ˜‚ πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽβ„οΈAnd Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too John, and everybody in the Reel Rejects Universe!!❄️❄️


The goth lady is played by Larisa Oleynik. She was at her most popular when you were probably around elementary school age. She was in 10 Things I Hate About You. Just know that when you can't find the pineapple it's in your heart the whole Psych watching time.


Psych is one of those shows that I don't think I'll ever get tired of revisiting. Psych and Scrubs are the ultimate "comfort food" shows for me. I've talked (rambled?) about it on twitter before but my attention span lately is like nonexistent, even with shows I really really love like this one. So these watch-alongs, and the highlights videos especially, have been great. Cause I'd rather literally physically decay than sit through an entire episode of anything recently, but hearing another person's thoughts and stuff on it as it goes? Chefs kiss. wonderful.


Another fun reaction. How to piss off an Australian refer to a Koala as a bear or pronounce emu wrong. Fun koala facts: There are about 40,000 wild koalas infected with Chlamydia and it can be transmitted to humans via urine. Koalas have been known to urinate on people who stand under their trees. Koalas can contaminate crime scenes with their fingerprints which are remarkably similar to human fingerprints. They also have 2 thumbs on each hand which is super weird. Koalas have smooth brains which is small (proportionally to skull cavity). They may be the dumbest mammals in the world.


Maybe the real pineapple was the friends we made along the way

Rashna Rashi Sarwar

I've been struggling to verbalize why I like watching reaction videos so much and I think it's this^ a combination of short attention span and the feeling of being wrapped in a chunky knit blanket