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Hey ya'll!

As some of you are aware, we've been so busy this year that we have DRASTICALLY fallen behind on messages & comments.

Now while we know some of the messages & such can perhaps be a little more private / personal, we still would like to interact more directly with ya'll. 

The only way to access the link would be here when the livestream is going on. Just trying to figure out best time frame to do it since we have viewers from all over the world pledged here, so we're currently leaning towards this Saturday (July 3rd). There will be an OFFICIAL time frame announced so keep a lookout! 

Thank you!!!



Dakota Jones

I think I’ll be at work during that but just incase I did send you guys a package two paintings and a figure it said it delivered but just wanna make sure it did! Anywhoo Hope I get off in time for it!

Flev Dorin

I'll check into the livestream whenever, who needs sleep?😂😂


Damn, I'll be working all night Saturday


Hopefully I’ll be back at home and able to catch this. In hospital right now with Kidney stones and awaiting potential surgery some time tomorrow (UK)

Chase Gardner

Nice I will be home that night camping right now.

Eric Horstman

Let me check my calendar…..it says I don’t have a life so I’ll be there