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MAY IS UPON US, PATRON-O-JECTS!!!  May Day, Mother's Day, Cinco de Mayo, and the start of Gemini season!!

As always - if you're new here, WELCOME!  Hope you got a question for us.  And if you've been here for at least a month, you know the drill!  👍🏼


If you have a question you'd like us to do a video response to, leave your question in the comment box below :)


We'll take a few questions every week and make a PODCAST out of it - Time Stamps for each individual question - AKA the Topics YOU have chosen for us - will be listed in the description box.



Bradley Bledsoe

Its my birth month woohoo! What so far has been your favorite movie of this year and what movie are you looking forward to the most going forward? Love you guys!!


What movies are you and Jon excited to see in theaters?

Matthew Cronin

If you personally had the chance to adapt any video game you wanted into a movie, tv show, or anime, which video game or video game franchise would you choose? Would you reboot an existing one?

Robert English

What is the most underrated show either one of you have seen that you wish more people knew about?

Alex Cross

Hey guys, new(ish) Patron-o-ject here from the UK! My question is what are each of your favourite childhood TV/movie memories? Much love guys take care


Hey guys, I know we chuckle together about the phrase, "Keep your politics out of my...!” However, I’d like to think that free speech also includes viewpoints that aren’t liberal. Is there any conservative or libertarian viewpoint that writers could put into a show or movie that you think would be well-received by Reject Nation?

Chase Gardner

Out of these 2 franchise games would make a great story for movies or tv uncharted or the last of us, Do you think it's odd that both of these franchise from same studio naughty dog are coming out with these projects around the same time?

Flev Dorin

Hi guys! Since you've been on Youtube for many years and saw all kinds of things on it, is there a "genre" or channel on yt that you currently or previously wonder "how is this popular?!"


If you could time travel using a ship, machine, capsule, etc., from a movie or tv show with the same character(s) that use it in the story, who and what would you choose?

David Gandy

Which do you find more difficult, keeping a healthy diet or getting enough exercise?

Elle B.

It’s Mother’s Day soon (or was Mother’s Day, depending on when you film your answer to this) Do either of you have a memorable movie or concert experience with your moms?


Are y'all still interested in reacting to Supernatural Convention videos and would you be interested in watching Supernatural Edits? I could send you some if you are.


Hi! I wanted to ask if you were gonna do more supernatural conventions reactions sometimes in the future?


If you could star in a Marvel or DC movie which character would you want to play and why?

Christopher simeon

Have you thought about reacting and rating different pilots for the patreon each month?


Have y’all heard that the Lovecraft Country creator would love to direct Stephen Kings IT? They said it’s like their favorite book and they would like to make it a show. I assume most of season 1 could be the kids part and season 2 would be the adult. Maybe season 3 could be like the old times of Pennywise. It’s a cool idea considering I love It!


Hey Guys! I wondered if you speak another laguage than english? And if so: Which and would you "give" us a sentence? Thx! 😁 Greetings from germany! Kraehe (Crow)


Hey Guys, new Patron here! But I've been subscribed to your channel since Greg's reaction to the Mortal Kombat X fatalities. Over the course of running the channel, how do you think your fandom has changed? Like have you noticed any shifts of what type of audience you guys attract as time passes? Thank you for being you!