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"The Born-Again Identity"  --  aka ONWARD & UPWARD!!

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/543788126/ec44083e3d

REVIEW Begins at:   41 Mins & 46 Seconds


Episode Synopsis: Desperate to save Sam from Lucifer, Dean calls every hunter for help, but instead meets a healer with a familiar face...


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SPN 7x17 STREAM [re-up].mp4

This is "SPN 7x17 STREAM [re-up].mp4" by JBird on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Immanuel is Hebrew and translates to "God is with us"


Oh no! You guys suck! I have to go to work RIGHT NOW so I won’t be able to watch this episode for 12 hours 😞. This is going to be a really long night.

Toasted Toad

And we're here! Just going to make myself a cuppa tea and settle back!

Simply Faded

I always enjoy this episode. My favorite Meg is the original, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate what Rachel Miner brought to the character.

Toasted Toad

Redeeming features of Season 7: this episode! And it’s not just because Cas is back, but the whole episode is just brilliant. Glad you liked it too. Probably my favourite scene is Cas getting his memories back - epic music choice. And almost all those memories are of Dean. I love the fake out when we first meet Emanuel. Some might have been the teensiest suspicious at the description of him, but then Dean knocks on the door and it’s another actor, so we think we guessed wrong. But then - Cas reveal! They could have done this so many ways, so I really liked the way that they went for the complex emotional approach the the best SPN episode use. Part of me expected that, when Dean saw Cas, he would give him a great big hug. But then we are reminded that Dean felt thoroughly betrayed by Cas and is furious at him. Agree. Acting all around was powerful (I love Meg. And the actress, Rachel Miner. I don’t know how much you know about her, but she and Misha became good friends and she’s now director of the charity he set up. She has MS and was beginning to suffer by this point - you can see her face is a bit puffy - an effect of the meds.)

Simply Faded

Aside: Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is performed today. Often as a treatment of last resort. I personally know individuals who have used this as a treatment option for severe major depression, as well as other psychiatric conditions. One of the mental health hospitals near me has been performing ECT for over 50 years. I remember touring the facility when I was in high school and someone was talking about misconceptions of the treatment due to media portrayal and the overuse when it was first available. That being said, both voluntary and involuntary usage can occur today depending on what state you live in. I don't live in California, so I did a little digging (I'm a social worker, we love research. lol) From the information I found, California's legislation is based off Aden v. Younger (1976) ultimately the state has authority to regulate and current legislation requires three physicians (at least two must be board certified) to agree on treatment and that the patient can provide informed consent. The document also goes into the special circumstances around individuals coping with mental illness. Interestingly, California has stricter legislation than my state. In some cases, that may be a barrier to individuals that would benefit from ECT.


Agree this is one of the best episodes of the season, and also with Rachel’s performance as Meg in this episode. Watching her in this episode, I felt cognizant of her acting, rather that it feeling natural. And yes, Dean kept the coat! Such a symbolic embodiment of their profound bond. Even when Dean is mad at him, down deep that bond didn’t break. It is a little amusing, knowing that because of the Leviathan clones way back in episode 6, Baby is still on lockdown and he’s just driving a series of random cars. Never paid attention to how many (at least two), but Dean keeps moving the coat to each new car. I am sure Sam just shook his head every time he saw it.


This is a really good episode and a relief to get a good one back. I liked the tone of it. Sera Gamble wrote the script and I like how she chose to re-introduce Cas, given how bad of an end they gave him before. Singer did a good job of bringing the script to screen. I think Sam is Sera's favorite character and that could be why we got Sam helping the girl out. Showing that even suffering what Sam's suffering, he'll still come through for someone else when needed.

Toasted Toad

They claim they always intended to bring Cas back, but I don’t believe them. How can they write out a character for 15 episodes and rely on the actor to be available when they want him?


Ah. This episode was and is the biggest relief of an episode. I really did find the whole writing around Cas's wife Daphne to be the oddest part of the episode. When I originally got to season seven, I was still on a massive binge, and when I got to this episode my mind immediately flashed back to the episode in season 5 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid". When Dean and Bobby's wife talk about protecting people you care about from a bad memory. Overall, pacing and acting of this episode is really great!


Having worked at a psychiatric ward (In Sweden) I can confirm that ECT is still very much in use. It doesn't get talked about much, by those that work there OR the patients, because of the horrible connotations due to how it was used decades past. People tend to avoid telling others they've received ECT treatment because of the stigma. It's really quite effective at treating severe depression. The procedure is done under anesthesia, so the patient is asleep during the whole thing, and it's very low levels of current that causes a small seizure. It's over in seconds. The patient is usually walking back to the ward within a couple of hours. I've seen it have quite profound positive effects on people so it's not the torture device it's often depicted as in movies. It's basically just like a really weak defibrillator for the brain. It can however give people short term memory loss. They might not remember that they went for the treatment. The memory usually comes back pretty quickly though. Edit: Also; NO, she would not, under any circumstances, be allowed to keep a lighter on the locked ward I worked at. A pen, yes, but not lighters or scissors. Even if she wasn't suspected of having started a fire she would still not be allowed to have it because someone else on the ward might be prone to starting fires. It's best not to tempt fate when dealing with already traumatized people. No one would want to be admitted if they knew psychotic people had access to lighters (and yes, most people on locked wards are not held against their will)

Chaos T

^season 7 is such a mess. I'm glad the show gets back on track in season 8.