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Sorry for taking so long to get to these this month (and that the question graphics didn't render entirely properly in this one lol) -- REALLY appreciate all your guys' love & patience!!  :)

As always, want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for being here & for sharing your questions!  Time Stamps for each Question are listed below!



INTRO (0:00)

DRVEAL (4:56)  --  Would you guys consider watching any pokemon anime, since pokemon is come back to popularity?

ELLE B.  (9:50)  --  Any updates on Old Time Radio, greg?

JAMIE SMITH  (23:28)  --  I've finally started writing my first screen play with an idea I've had for about a year. I was wondering on how you start writing a script and how you stay motivated. Also have you ever come across when writing, that it would actually make a better book series?

ROSIE BATEY  (37:16)  --  1. Congrats on the 800k lads 👌🍾 also have you guys considered a user submissions spreadsheet (similar to blind waves) where suggested tv shows/movies would be placed and then once a series is finished or caught up with then you could put a poll out with some of the options and people could vote for the winner?
2. How are you today and what is one positive from your week? ☺️

CHRISTOPHER SIMEON  (43:52)  --  I know highlights are apart of the patreon but Would you guys be willing to post your reviews at the end of those episodes for some of your watch alongs on YouTube? AOS and Gotham especially?   
Or maybe create a second channel with those reviews. ReelRejectsReviews?

FLEV DORIN  (48:26)  --  Hi guys! I heard from some people who watched the first 2 ep of WandaVision and said that's not for them probably because they couldn't get over the unknown of it all, there are definitely arguments for both types of show: the slow burners and the pilot sprinters. I wanted to hear your takes on those and which type you prefer?

ROBERT ENGLISH  (54:55)  --  Could you discuss the greater MCU canon and how the Hulu, ABC, and Netflix shows have never truly been recognized? Not how they should connect but rather the effects of not doing so. The only major exception is James D’arcy reprising his role as Edwin Jarvis from Agent Carter. The trickle-down continuity does not make this seem like one universe. With the Darkhold’s recent appearance and its redesign, what does that mean for the canon?

GENE GETER  (1:00:58)  --  What is the sound or song that accompanies the Patron Of The Day segment? Thanks again.

ANISA OLIVA  (1:03:07)  --  If you had choose one which do you prefer over the other as a whole...... DCEU vs MCU?


LINK TO ALL MARCH 2021 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Q%26A%20March%202021



0:00 - INTRO 4:56 - DRVEAL 9:50 - ELLE B. 23:28 - JAMIE SMITH 37:16 - ROSIE BATEY 43:52 - CHRISTOPHER SIMEON 48:26 - FLEV DORIN 54:55 - ROBERT ENGLISH 1:00:58 - GENE GETER 1:03:07 - ANISA OLIVA


Flev Dorin

Yeah no, I agree with you that WandaVision isn't "slow", only the mystery part. The thing was from the people I've heard is that, it seemed too episodic, like with the sitcom style (which btw, I don't understand the dislike of sitcoms I've seen in recent years, like real disdain for the genre from many people, but that's besides the point) and gave too many questions without really hinting at the endgoal, which you and me know thats false. But that's the effect of slowburner, in that it doesn't give you like a big "explosive" story element to latch onto at first bur it can reward you for your patients, unlike sprinters, but the disadvantage with those is that like a real sprint, you go out the gate with something strong but can lose speed by end (i.e.: Game of Thrones like you mention). Ofcourse there are exceptions on both, but that seems to be the general norm.

Flev Dorin

I've actually re-watched Pokemon like 5 years ago to see what would be like watching it as an adult, I was actually set to storm through all 900 ep there were at the time but I couldn't do it😂, like ok, first 5 seasons are really still enjoyable, it still gives you that sense of adventure that you remembered from when you were little, but after that it started to change the supporting cast and it really started to dumb down, like if the original was a PG program, this was like a Y-7 and I stopped around S12, but I heard Pokemon XY arc (S17-19) was really good.

Robert English

Thanks for taking my question. I really appreciated hearing how it affects your enjoyment of the MCU personally. As for me, the shows are canon no matter what any executive says and I still love them. Feige could say it is the same universe but not in the overall narrative. The Disney+ is an extension of the narrative rather than a spin-off in the world.