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Hey, peeps!!  Just a quick heads-up to let you know due to weird, compact schedule we had the past couple days, JoJo Reaction will be going up on Thursday and Agents Of Shield will be going up today instead. Everything else shall proceed as normal!



Christopher simeon

Are you telling me I get 4x20 today. Am I dreaming? That episode is amazing looking forward to it


ehrr.. SWEET :D

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

What is the situation with the weekly podcast? Just I noticed it’s been over a week since the last one was posted


Ahh yes! Been a bit behind in shooting those as well - Podcast #2 will actually be up today and then the final one for February should come Sunday :)

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

Ah cool, thanks for the update ☺️👌 love a cup of hot chocolate along with the podcast so I was getting worried 😂 Another top tier doctor who episode and a podcast, my Sunday night is shaping up well 👌

Blue Planet

are we still getting avatar today?