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"Slash Fiction" -- aka... just a wholly terrific episode we're definitely all going to agree on 😅

Stream Along Link: https://vimeo.com/511348156/9c1bf0803f

REVIEW Begins at:  27 Mins & 23 Seconds


Episode Synopsis: Once again on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list, Sam and Dean seek help from a friend of Bobby's when two Leviathans go on a killing spree... disguised as Sam and Dean!!


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This is "SUPES 7x6 HIGHLIGHTS [re-up]" by JBird on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Flev Dorin

the borax cleaning thing being the weaknes for the Leviathans moment reminded me of M. Night's Signs with the water thing,😂😂 I know it's not exactly the same but the silly nature of those 2 scenes are the same for me.

Christopher simeon

I feel like this season tries to hard to be funny because fans seem to respond to funny episodes. Your point about similar episodes being better in the past is absolutely correct and it’s the trying to be funny that is killing these plots.

Mary Coelho

you guys should watch the s6 gag reel

Mary Coelho

glad we agree on the leviathans too smh

Toasted Toad

Sorry, bit of a long comment coming up. Yeah, welcome to Season 7. It's not that there are no good episodes in it. There are, and I hope you enjoy those. But there are far more below par than decent ones. Stick with it - SPN will improve again!! I think you were bang on with a lot of your comments. It can be very hard to pinpoint why an episode isn't working, and you're pointing out a lot of the problems. I don't think there's anything bad about Sam and Dean separating or having a huge bust up per se - they are together SO much, they can't be loved up all the time. Things are going to happen. BUT I always felt that the Amy thing was contrived just so they would have an excuse for this dramatic split here. Other arguments have come from major events - Sam wanting to look for their father while Dean wanted to obey his instructions; the terrible secret their dad foisted on Dean before he died; Sam following Ruby's advice instead of Dean's. All heavily plot driven. This time, they just had Dean doing something he knew would upset Sam so that they could have something to argue about. If you're going to have a big, dramatic event like that, it has to be earned. It has to follow necessarily from whatever is going on in the big picture. This was a little picture event. And the whole Leviathan duplicating Sam and Dean thing - makes total sense that they would do that, but I think it created a problem for SPN long term. They have these two very distinctive guys (especially as a duo) committing mass murder on camera. Press would love something like that. It would go national. So how do they ever expect to disappear into obscurity? So they're going to have to gloss over it somehow, and that's just bad writing. And because of it all, we lose Baby and end up with (as it's known by fans), the POS (Piece of Shit) car. And Leviathans as corporate people - it's just intrinsically not frightening on a supernatural level. It's so ordinary. Maybe you're gonna come round to my previously stated opinion - Leviathans suuuuuuuuuck!   This one was Robbie Thompson's first episode, but I give him a free pass for it, because he's also done some truly excellent ones. Love Frank, though. He's a delight.

Steve Rivera

Couldn't have said it better myself. I think the biggest let down back when it aired live was the anticipation Death created for the Leviathan when he started to talking about them. When they took over Castiel's body, it was IMO still living up to that evil. But then week to week they just became....people. They were still monster sure, but as a FORCE...they were just a corporation. And the big bad is a CEO. As much as I like Roman, that's the feeling I got from them in general, and every week they were de-mystified and worse...made complete jokes. I think the episode that highlights this in my mind is 7x16. A surprisingly bad one in the later half of the season which I personally think is pretty solid.


One of the biggest missteps I feel in S7 is the execution, definitely, and Dean's character seems to be where it's manifesting itself atm. They're trying to show us that Dean is affected negatively by all of the things that happened in S6 and the beginning of S7 (how many times has his mental state come up in the conversation?) and is not dealing with things as he normally does, but it's not quite connecting to the audience in the way it needs to, and I can't put my finger on where the kinks in the chain are coming from. Killing Amy wasn't so much of a shock, but killing Amy and treating her child like that...? After almost an entire season of Dean protecting children (even monster babies, kids seeking revenge and killing people and all of the Ben scenes) we suddenly have him not caring that he just destroyed a kids life, and that was hard to process. And we were just left to hang on that, which wasn't the best choice, given that this show operates in a very grey area, but generally clues us in on why certain decisions are made. Either way, these are fictional and imperfect characters and I love them regardless. I can forgive and look past that a few times things were off because new things were being tried, new writers and directors, showrunners...whatever the case may be. Sometimes things work and sometimes they don't, and as long as we keep moving forward with the wisdom earned through the learning process, things will eventually find their place again. I agree that even Jared was off a bit in this episode. The Leviathan Sam and Dean were more believable in some ways than actual Sam and Dean. It was a bit too exaggerated purposely to distinguish a difference, but came off too campy for comfort. I'm not complaining, either...I'll take Sam and Dean in any way any day. HA! So far, this season has asked us to suspend our reality as it pertains to well established characters without balancing it with context. Having a Frank Devereaux (who is one of my favorite things about S7) adds to the fun and even gives it a more meta feel (given everything they're putting the boys through) but again, not hitting the mark the way I believe they intended. As for the "corporate monsters", that was much more cutting edge in a 2011/2012 world. But now...? Meh. We've seen it all, so it's less exciting. Granted...a lot was going of BTS. Clearly that had a direct effect.

Jennifer Lundstrom

This is the episode where a lot of us went "where did our show go?"


I have a weird love/relationship with Season 7. I love the ideas and I like the wacky tone (some people don't and that's okay). However, the character stuff is just poorly done. I almost always forget some stuff that Dean did this season because it felt so out of character to me. Killing Amy in front of her kid just doesn't totally jive with stuff he's done before and after this season. Yet, I think that second half of the season has some fun episodes, so I like it for that reason.

Mark McKenna

This is my favourite show ever! I started watching towards the end of season 3 during the writers strike when it was only 16 episodes then started watching properly from season 4 onwards. Never spent that many years following just 1 show so it was bittersweet when it came to an end last year *No spoilers* I'm from Ireland and the show isn't that popular or well known in Ireland/ UK so great to see other people actually watch this show lol

Mark McKenna

I agree, this is probably the weakest season and they did lean more heavily on silly stuff to be funny but it was also very silly when being serious as well. Like naming the big bad "Dick Roman". Love this show but wasn't a big fan of the direction this season went. Think the writers even made fun of how silly this season was later in the series

Amber Dustman

I feel like I'm on the outs here. I actually thoroughly enjoy rewatching season 7. It's probably my favorite season. The humor and introduction of characters (not saying who) and turning points of arcs (not saying which) and ...other things... (Spoilers) bring depth that I like. I personally will go back and try to catch different nuances in acting choices, and dialogue. (Shurgs) I like season 7 and I won't apologize for it.