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"Meet the New Boss"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/498555378/c6c6867211

REVIEW Begins at:  43 Mins & 05 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: Assuming his new role as God, Castiel sets out to right some of the wrongs in the world...  and Dean decides to bind Death in order to stop him..


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You'll understand next episode


Yeah. This episode really fits more as a season finale. We have the same showrunners as last season, but there's obviously a different vibe happening here over last season. Maybe they're still figuring things out. It's risky to have a season premier pick up at the exact same point where the previous season ends. People change over several months time. Both Sam and Dean look a bit different. But that's easy to overlook unless you're obsessed like me. lol But, they've already given us more on Sam's after affects from hell than we got from Dean through most of season 4. With Dean , it was as if Hell never happened for most of the season. Until it became necessary for the plot of an episode.


You wondered why Sam was keeping his hallucinations a secret. I think it is very likely that Sam was going to tell Dean and Bobby when he went out to the garage, after the hallucination where he got yanked up to the ceiling. However, he heard Dean talking about how he couldn’t ever catch a break and so he didn’t tell them about it so they they wouldn’t be burdened further. Sam kinda says that later when he is talking to Dean in the kitchen over the hentai 😂


I love this episode! My favorite thing is the couple bound and gagged—what must they be thinking? 🤣 I experienced a moment or two or fifteen of raw terror as I considered whether Lucifer could be telling the truth. Fun season 7 thing: take a drink every time any character uses a euphemism for “brain.” You’ll be drunk in no time!

Sharon Owen

I always say that this episode is basically the end of season 6. I sometimes forget which episode is the actual finale! Misha does a great job playing that evil at the end.