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Hope y'all are enjoying a nice, restful holiday!!!  Hard to believe it's already Christmas again, but you guys have CERTAINLY helped to make it special despite all the madness out there - so THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH again!!

As always - we've got a few questions to kick us off for the FINAL month of the year...  As always,  Time Stamps for each Question are listed below!



CHASE GARDNER  (0:30)  --  If you could do a commentary on a Christmas movie or replay your favorite scene from memory and recreate it in the room your in now which Christmas scene will it be?

JUSTIN MARTIN  (7:48)  --  Merry Christmas guys! In light of the holiday, what Christmas special would you guys think could use another sequel? Any franchise counts too

ROSIE BATEY [DarthYodaO66]  (16:01)  --  What is your perfect Christmas? I’m talking perfect Christmas dinner (and dessert)  , wake up time, breakfast, movie/tv show tradition, who is there with you, dream gifts etc (personally think it’s a crime to not have pigs in blankets, Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes or cauliflower cheese included in the dinner). Also what is a Christmas tradition that your family does without fail every year?   

Thanks for making this year better for everyone, thanks for being you and thanks for the hard work you both put in day in day out 💜 hoping that you all have a wonderful Christmas and here’s to a better year next year (can’t be any worse than this one to be fair 😂) xx


LINK TO ALL DECEMBER 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=December%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast


Dec Q&A 3


Chase Gardner

I love Elf. Elf is my favorite Christmas movie.