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Merry DECEMBER, Patron-O-Jects!!

We're in the home stretch of 2020!!!  As always, HOPE YOU GUYS ARE CONTINUING TO STAY SAFE & SANE OUT THERE!

But for now- we've got a few questions to kick us off for the ULTIMATE month of the year...  As always,  Time Stamps for each Question are listed below!



MIMI M (0:44)  --  Favorite Christmas song and favorite Christmas movie?

GENE GETER (7:16)  --  Hey RR boys! Why is it every time you guys are about to watch one of my videos, John always has this "what you got Gene" look on his face or sometimes, he says something to that effect? Asking because I am curious and it is hella funny. Thanks.

FLEV DORIN (10:32  --  --  Hi guys! There are alot of classic Christmas/Holidays films airing for the bajillion year in a row this time of year, but what are some good Christmas films that don't get the same repeat value that you'd recommend? maybe a good Hallmark film, as I'm not ashamed to say I like those. Like to preface what I mean by "Christmas film": a film who's plot revolves around the magic of Christmas (love, family, happiness), and not a action film that happens during Dec 25😜. Cheers guys and Happy Holidays!

LEWIS IS YOUR PATRON (18:34)  --  What’s you’re greatest or most memorable Christmas surprise? Because we all have gifts we know we’re getting, but what are the ones you never knew were coming and were better than anything you could have expected? Also Merry Christmas guys. This year has been super rough, so here’s hoping a little bit of festive spirit can cheer us up for the last few weeks of this shit show.


LINK TO ALL DECEMBER 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=December%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast




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