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"My Bloody Valentine"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/433061052/68ead68ca3

Review BEGINS At:  42 mins & 23  seconds

Episode Synopsis:  Castiel helps Sam and Dean hunt down Cupid on Valentine's Day after people begin killing each other for love...


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Elle B.

That last scene with Dean in the junkyard always gets me. Jensen’s subtleties in his performances are the best. Also re: your discussion about america towards the end, I think what you were describing is how the USA is an individualistic culture vs. how other countries have a collectivistic culture. And that definitely plays a big part in times where we need to band together but ultimately can’t. Good discussion guys!

XxMalfunctionxX X

I love this ep. And I agree that it balanced pretty perfectly the brothers' togetherness with individual, separate storyline. Plus, hungry Cas is hilarious and disturbing by turn lol and the bit in the end, with Dean breaking down and asking for help (something he's always had a hard time doing), and asking for help from GOD at that (when faith has always been an issue for him)- it still gets to me and I love it. And yeah, Sam's "wait your turn" was freaking badass! Haha great reaction guys!

Toasted Toad

Glad you liked this one, guys. One of my personal favourites. Some people get too squicked out by the horror element, but I can cope with everything except the couple eating each other at the beginning. Gross! 😂😂 Amazing how that doctor seems to make such an impression on everyone in such a short time. Everyone seems to love that guy. Great actor in that bit part. For all that Jared's acting may have improved over the years, I still think he's much better at playing bad than good. The time he was possessed by Meg in Season 2, succumbing to demon blood in Season 4, and now again losing control He's a natural, whereas his puppy dog act can grate sometimes. Jensen and Misha are a comedy duo for the ages, and Jensen again cranking up the heartbreak factor.

Michelle Denny

You know I never thought of just how great Jared plays at being bad. I have just enjoyed it in those moments. But after reading what u wrote, I have to agree with you. He always impressed me when he played bad. That’s why I love to read all the comments, I always end up getting something out of it!


This reminds me of a tumblr blog from an extra in the business that explained the differences in Jared and Jensen's acting...it was such a fascinating read (I think Misha was even included). Jensen is a personality actor (think Jack Nicholson, Samuel L Jackson and Christopher Walken) who has more of an "It" factor, but lacks depth in their roles while Jared is a character actor (ala Michael Sheen, JK Simmons and Steve Buscemi) that has to work to develop "It" but has more longevity because of their versatility. I should find that, and see what you think, too. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, but it's also what makes them have such great chemistry.


My keen powers of observation have shown me that when you guys are really into an episode, you don’t talk half as much. And I love it when you’re genuinely appreciating a well-crafted, well-written, and well-acted episode. Had a blast with this one, always a favorite. Cheers! ✌️

Toasted Toad

I’ve seen that, and it’s always stumped me. How on earth could anyone claim that Jensen lacks depth? That’s insane. He doesn’t rely on his screen ‘presence’. How many times has he made us laugh, cry, empathise etc. A very big range from drama to comedy. His ‘it’ factor just makes him even better. Jared has improved out of all recognition since they started, but seems to be better at character moments than his main role.


I don't think your interpretation was what he meant, though. It was more of a general statement about the differences between a personality actor vs a character actor. Neither is better or worse, it's just a different methodology and what you're comfortable with. It also tracks well with the difference in the way they both read the scripts. Jensen feels it, and it's natural for him because Dean in many ways IS him. Jensen's acting is cathartic, and we can see/feel that. We can even see it during panels, because the shift between Dean and Jensen is subtle. In that sense, "the lack of depth as an actor" is referring to doing one particular type of role (and many of Jensen's that I have seen are very similar if not the same), but doing that exceptionally well. RDJ/Tom Cruise level good. Jared..? He thinks it out for days, does research on PTSD, figures out how to move in certain ways to convey things, etc...because he's creating something "other". He is simply using his body and voice to tell a story. That doesn't mean he doesn't put his heart into Sam Winchester, because we know differently - he's just more philosophical about it, like when he says "Jared has learned more from Sam". Jared is SO different from Sam Winchester, it's almost jarring at times during panels. For him, it means less "fame", but has the potential for more roles. And I agree that Jensen's depth as Dean Winchester is Mariana Trench level greatness, and a big part of the reason the show has lasted all these years. I also agree about Jared doing character parts, but hold the writers more responsible when Sam doesn't feel like Sam, if that makes sense. ETA: Interesting blog, that one, eh?

Björn Petersen

How nice. Way back when Sam / Jared had some decent plots. These days sadly not so much. Although we all know that he has got the acting chops. Don´t get me wrong, i love both actors and i know the SPN crew feels the same, but somehow after season 5 Dean mostly gets all the attention. Never understood that. Anyway, the best horseman is yet to come. You all know who i am talking about. Till next time.

Arada Michaels

Yeah I'm not sure how anyone can say Jensen (or anyone) is a personality actor and yet lacks depth. I guess it's just a matter of perspective. That person probably is a bit more bias to Jared and that's fine. I like Sheila Malley's reviews honestly that someone put up earlier (wasn't sure if it was you or someone else). And well, to me Jensen does play different characters. I'm pretty sure Jason Teague that he plays in Smallville is very different. Yes he was only there for one season but...he had a way different feel to me. He was also on Days of Our Lives and that is nothing like Supernatural. The only two characters that he played that are more like Dean would probably be Alec from Dark Angel and Jason in Batman. But then again Jensen hasn't had that many acting roles. Uh I watched a few clips of Jared on Gilmore Girls and I guess it's just me but I didn't think his acting was all that great there. It was probably because he was younger. Like I said before, it's just perspective really.

Arada Michaels

I don't think they focused too much more on Dean after this season. Sam still got some interesting arcs but they had to give a few to Dean since they were so focused on Sam from 1-5, and then the plots also got split with Cas as well. Hope that's not really spoilery.

Toasted Toad

Maybe that's the way you're choosing to interpret it, but that's not the normal meaning of the word 'depth'. Description of an actor's talents etc can refer only to what we see on screen, not behind the scenes. Doesn't matter how much research an actor does or what their real character is like - if it doesn't convert to screen, it is meaningless. Saying he doesn't have much depth is a deep criticism. If you want to imply what you're saying, you have to say 'range'. After all, what is the opposite of deep? Shallow, of course. The reviewer is saying his performances are shallow. How can that be anything other than an insult? Even if you say he lacks range, I would disagree with that also. While I haven't seen Dark Angel yet, his performance on Smallville was very different. If you say Jared has greater range, well... I would say that although he may have played more, he has not been equally good across all of that range. He is best at bad. So both actors have their strengths and weaknesses, but the reviewer has also said Jensen can only play the one role, and even then, it was only due to his personality. Can you imagine how offended Jensen would be if you said that to him (well, at least if it was said by someone whose judgment he cared about rather than by us non-entities!!)?


Yep, that was me. I love Sheila's blog! It's been my go to for all things SPN. And while I have my own biases and opinions, I tend to be objective and also seek out contrary opinions to find a balance. Hence the blogger I am speaking to TT about.


TT - I understand what you're saying, and we can get caught up in the semantics of why someone said something (that I don't even agree with), but is that really the point? I can fully enjoy both Sheila's and this other bloggers perspective and agree with both of them. All I'm doing is sharing that, and certainly don't want to end up in a circular debate over a misinterpretation or a word. I also don't want to assume how Jensen would feel about any of this, as a critique on their performance is part of being in that industry. Actors are not exempt from knowing what they're good at and where they need to improve, and Jensen has always welcomed constructive feedback. I also know that HW is brutal, and it takes a lot of fortitude to withstand the rejections. Now, having said that, I do think he has taken ownership of Dean, as he was responsible for everything he became. I have seen, in person, how offended he has become when certain fans decide to tell Jensen who Dean Winchester is. And why he's wrong about a ship. But that's a different conversation.

Kayla Waters

I love when Greg says, "this is about to take a turn" and I was like, " you have nooooooo idea" XD