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"Fallen Idols"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/411807659/57c6e6141c

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT: 38 min & 57 seconds

Episode Synopsis: Sam & Dean reunite to investigate a small town whose inhabitants are being killed by famous dead people...


Links To All Seasons SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supes 5x5 "Fallen Idols" STREAM


Dustin Duvall

Just a heads up, this reaction isn't on the new site, it goes from 4 to 6

Toasted Toad

Don't be afraid to say it - this is a dumb-ass episode! Sometimes SPN does quirky really well, sometimes it's a swing and a miss. I'd put this one squarely into the latter. I think if you're in doubt as to whether it's a fan favourite, it probably isn't. Fan favourites tend to be pretty stand out. Very funny/witty, or very clever, or very emotional. Preferably all 3. I find this one lacking on all 3 fronts. And you're right - the broments were good, but they could kind of been put in any episode. The events of this episode did not drive them, they were just dropped on top. This season might be very good overall, but that doesn't mean that there are no weak episodes in there. If you liked it, well... good. Glad somebody did!


This episode is extremely weak. I skip it every time I watch this season. It's not completely devoid of merit for some, I'm sure, but I just am extremely bored by it. There are a few eps this season that I actually find quite mediocre even if overall S5 is pretty great.


It’s not my favorite episode but I don’t hate it. I always despised Paris Hilton but this episode kinda’ made me like her a little, and I stress little, bit. I did enjoy the humor in the episode. You’re right, there was a little bit of a disconnect in the end with Dean’s acceptance but I’m OK with it.

Janet Shearer

I agree it’s not an episode I look forward to. I’m not a big fan of monster of the week, and this one was boring. The opening scene’s gore is just too much. FYI Jensen talks about Paris at a con panel. Said she was prepared and knew her lines. Maybe Ash can throw that question in the next con vid for you. Glad you guys found it funny. You made watching it again more enjoyable.


I totally t forgot about this episode. I think its an Ok episode and its still enjoyable but its not my favorite.


This is one of my two least favorite episodes of this season. Like others have said I generally skip it on rewatch (sometimes I skip reactors reactions to it as well but I like you guys too much to do that to your reactions). Perhaps if I had been a Paris Hilton fan back in the day I would've cared more, but I couldn't ever stand her so it just made the episode worse for me. There's a couple more sub-standard episodes in this season, however there's a large number of great episodes and that's why it's my favorite season. Anyway, good reaction even though the episode is blah.

Steve Rivera

This is the weakest episode of the season for sure 😅 glad you guys enjoyed it for what it was. The highlights were the character moments between Sam and Dean. I will say that the criticism Greg had with this episode is like, the reverse criticism i have of the series 😅😅 I feel like all too often their personal "drama" ties in too well with the Monster of the Week episodes. And it's definitely a constant throughout the show. So I get that you guys kind of felt the difference when finally their personal life wasn't involved with the case for one of the first times. Like it totally makes sense that not everything would align like that but becasue it's a norm of the show it felt out of place 😅 I agree that those character moments are wasted on this episode. Had it's fun moments but this is one that is not regarded too highly by the fans.


I'm actually shocked by how harsh people are being, but I mean I get it. I don't hate this episode by any means. In fact I like it. I suppose in comparison, though, to all the other episodes this season it is the "weakest" but I always loved the little nod to House of Wax that they did. I love that John was aware of the movie. Most reactors never catch onto the reference. 😁 Now the part that always stuck with me was Sam FINALLY telling Dean, not in so many words, that he treats Sam like a side kick instead of an equal. When it comes to this issue, specifically, with Sam being hooked on demon blood, trusting Ruby, and starting the apocalypse I am 100% on Dean's side... obviously 😂. But even before that Dean has always treated Sam like less of a hunter, and I love that Sam finally stood up for himself. That's always my favorite scene in this episode. However I do want to point out that there will "monster of the week" episodes, whether it's this season or the seasons to come, there will sometimes be episodes that don't necessarily feed right into the main storyline. So if that was the main problem you guys had with this episode, I just hope that you're not disappointed with those episodes as well. So is it the best episode of Supernatural ever, no, but in my opinion it's not bad and there's a couple of things to really appreciate.

XxMalfunctionxX X

This is about the weakest ep of the season (there is another ep or two that are so-so, but overall the season just gets better and better). I usually skip it, but watched again for your reaction:) Personally, I think Dean's change in attitude was too sudden, and agree with you that this is one instance where tying in the MOTW to fit and reflect the brothers' situation would have maybe made it feel less forced in a "we need to get them on the same page and move on with the storyline" kind of way. I actually think giving them another ep together before resolving this specific issue would have been better for smoother character development. BTW, maybe I missed it, but is there any chance you guys might consider doing two SPN reactions a week? LOL


I definitely agree that the monster-of-the-week episodes and their personal problems always "coincidentally" coincide🙃 I genuinely thought I was the only one that was slightly annoyed by that. Like they always find a way to relate everything back to themselves and their situations even though it has no surface level correlation whatsoever. 😂 I've literally never heard anybody else call that out, or notice it.

Toasted Toad

Well, I think there's an in-between place. I think there are 3 types of "tie in" episodes -  1. where they lay on the parallels with a trowel (Metamorphosis springs to mind.); 2. episodes (like this) on which they try to hang relationship moments to events but it's just not convincing; and  3. where the events of the episode create a change that is a natural consequence - e.g. The End. And those can often be some of the very best SPN episodes.  And then there's 4. where they're just having some nice broments with no effort to tie in to anything. And that's fine too.

Toasted Toad

But Sam *is* less of a Hunter (especially in early seasons). Dean has hunted for many more years than Sam, and has , unlike Sam, been on solo hunts. And that's why the dynamic starts off that way. Sam is the 'weird stuff is happening to me' part of the duo, and Dean is the competent hunter. That was the original concept. That has slowly evolved over time as Sam has grown as a hunter and Dean has had his share of 'weird stuff is happening to me' so that by Season 5, they are more like equal partners (although we have just had a whole season of Sam making very poor decisions). He can woobie all he wants over the fact that Dean did not treat him as an equal, but that dynamic was justified.

Steve Rivera

Yeah despite the fact that I don't like this episode much, I do like that they were resolving their issues in the middle of a case without it linking to it at all. Just seemed like a regular brother thing to do and it's something I don't hold against the episode. That's why I found it funny when Greg kinda held it against it a bit. At the same time, I feel like it could've at least been a better MotW episode 😅 at least now for the rest of the season doubt we'll be talking about any negatives. Even "Swap Meat" I feel is a more enjoyable time, these two episode being the low points of the season. Although they usually surprise us 😆

Jennifer Lundstrom

I did find this episode a bit broken up, didn't fit together but still had good moments. I used this episode as part of a presentation I created for local cons about the real history of some of Supernatural's 'cursed objects', including cursed coins (Wishful Thinking), rabbit's foot (Bad Day at Black Rock), Hand of Glory, curse boxes, etc. I do love the real lore the show brings, even if it gets a bit stretched to fit the show!

Reggie B

i wonder what happened first, the show guaranteeing a guest star role for paris hilton and then writing the episode around it, or if they had the "famous persons ghost" idea first and were then able to get her lol.

Eric Horstman

Don’t have much to add except I still took shots (cuz that’s what I do), Paris was decent and House of Wax is da bomb (try to change my mind)


Except that Sam was only out of practice for, at the most, four years. The fandom acts like it was a way bigger gap than it was. Sam grew up the exact same way Dean had. He DID go on solo hunts just like Dean had(teenage years). He was separated from it for about four years and then got right back into it. Sam knows, and had always known the same things about hunting that Dean had and is, most of the time, considered the brains of the operation. (Dean is mostly considered the brawn. Better fighter, quicker on the draw...etc)🤷🏾‍♀️ As for "the original concept" it was suppose to be Sam as "the reluctant hero." Him being capable of the job, but fighting against it, making most of the storylines about him. Which is why half the show seems to revolve around Sam, and his issues. In the beginning Sam never showed that he was an incompetent hunter, he just didn't want to do the job, just wasn't the life that he wanted. It's not that he couldn't do the job or he was less equipped to do the job. However I'm not saying that Dean wasn't a "better" hunter. He was obviously more "in the groove of things" than Sam. I'm saying that in the universe of Supernatural Sam got fed up with Dean treating him like a sidekick and finally said something about it. Now like I said when it comes to everything that Sam did in season 4 specifically, I am with Dean. However that doesn't change the fact that I am happy that Sam finally spoke up about the obvious unbalance in their relationship and I stand by that.🙃

Jonathan Cassell

I don't mind the episode it's fun and the reference was great btw if it wasn't said before Paris and Jared both were in House of Wax

Toasted Toad

It specifically says in the Pilot that Sam has not had solo hunts (he expresses surprise that Dean has been allowed to go solo). And it's not just the fact that he is out of practice - Dean is 4 years older. So 4 more years of hunting due to age, plus 4 years when Sam did not hunt due to going to college - Dean has 8 years of experience on Sam.


Hahaha please, Toad, don't sugarcoat your opinion just 'cause we're here 😝 In seriousness, though, I guess looking at it on those terms, I can agree. Not the wittiest, cleverest, or most emotional ep., though I did appreciate the emotional aspect the most, the broments. That said, though, those could DEFINITELY have been placed into just about any episode. I think, as a viewer, I appreciate a low-key side adventure every now n then (and am a sucker for wax figure stories like that), so this may have just had some extra appeal in my direction. And now the only question I have left is -- how does it compare with the Magicians' episode?!?!?


Haha fair enough! I'm sensing that I/we are in the extreme minority when it comes to this one 😅but that makes sense. 22 episode season, I gotta imagine it's especially tough to make everyone a winner.. My question to you is, which is worse?!? This or the Magician ep???


Maybe, but we don't know exactly when Sam or Dean starting Hunting. We don't know exactly when John starting hunting. We do know that it was several months after Mary's death because in season 1 episode 9 (home) we find out (via the mechanic) that John didn't start looking into the supernatural until months after Mary died. And after that it seemed Dean would look after Sam while John went hunting. So we don't know exactly when Dean was actually out on the field hunting with his dad. It could have very well been John, Dean, and Sam for the first time. But hey let's say we are counting the age difference, John would have still taught Sam everything that he taught Dean. Which is my point about Sam at least having all the same knowledge as Dean. And as for the pilot. I do remember that scene, however we do later see Sam on a solo hunt in his teen years.(Collin)...so that lets us know that they had both been on solo hunts.

Toasted Toad

No, it was’t John, Dean and Sam the first time. We have canon confirmation of that. But I have to avoid spoiler territory. Sam may well have had the same training, but Dean had WAY more experience in the field.And yes, we do have to count the age difference. Ignoring it is nonsense. So I have very little patience for Sam whining about this.


We also have canon confirmation on solo hunts. Not giving any huge spoilery details though. Even though there aren't many to give, given what I'm referring to specifically, but still.


Aw haha, well so far you're the closest person to sharing our opinion 😝I get what's not to love about this episode, but I had a good amount of fun. And yeah haha, while I'm not a huge Paris Hilton fan in any respect, I enjoyed her well enough here. I wonder if she and Jared are friends at all, given the House of Wax connection..


Aw, well I'm really happy we were able to add something to the experience :) that's actually a really nice compliment, thank you! As for the episode, I can understand why. I generally enjoy the spooky wax museum aesthetic, so this one may have appealed to me partly due to that. And I would love to see that convention clip haha. Glad to hear she was prepped, though! All the behind-the-scenes talk I've heard on Repo! The Genetic Opera, it seems like she's professional/pleasant enough. Now it's making me wonder if she and Jared have been friends at all since House of Wax.. 🤔


So far, this is perhaps the most positive comment lol. I can see why it's not highly regarded, but glad you got some entertainment out of it also :)


Aw, well we really appreciate you sitting through it again with us 😊that does mean a lot - not to get the skip. I can definitely see the Paris Hilton factor being a big deterrent back in the day. This was the first time I'd thought of her in quite some time haha. Excited to continue onto the better stuff, though! Hard to do 22 episodes without a dodgy one here or there. Hope you're having a good start to the week!


Haha score!! 😝 Second her name popped up in the credits, I started wondering if it was due, in part at least, to that connection. Got a nice kick outta that. And glad this is still an enjoyable one for you! Thought it was pretty fun in a low-key sort of way. I liked their brother scenes a lot in this one - especially at the end, like you said, when Sam states the case for himself. Thought Jared did a really nice job throughout those moments playing Sam like he really has had a sort of shift in perspective. There are a lot of times where Sam feels like he's trying or grappling, but I really liked the sober tone he brought there. As for MotW episodes, I don't mind them overall. I actually sometimes relish a little sidequest or something like that. I'm not sure I'd call the separation of the emotional story b/w Sam & Dean from the hunt plotline a problem. I'd be happy to see them attempt that again as not every monster encounter can be allegorically applicable to your life in some way... Either way, glad you still found some things to enjoy!


Haha that's what I hear! Either way, glad to hear there are great things ahead. I don't mind a low-key MotW episode here n there. Appreciate you watching with us, though!! Means a lot not to get the skip lol 😅🙌🏼 As for Dean, I think that was our biggest issue (although not huge). Kinda makes me wonder if there was maybe an extra scene or two that was cut or something like that. And YES! Not sure yet when that will happen, but the goal is ASAP, so stay tuned n we'll keep you posted!


Likewise! That's been one of my favorite parts since the top is the way they take these different characters and bits of lore & put their own spin/tone on them. And that sounds pretty awesome! How many times have you been able to present?? Sounds like it'd be pretty fascinating!!


Hahaha thaaat's a great question! Maybe they were brainstorming and Jared called in a favor? This whole thing has made me wonder if they stayed friends or anything after that shoot. For whatever reason, I'd get a kick out of that.


LOL that's fine, I'm sure there's something else in here that can be turned into a drinking game :P aaaand now on your recommendation, I'm going to rent the 2003 horror masterpiece, House of Wax haha


Haha yup! Makes we wonder if they maight've stayed friends from that experience or something like that. Gotta a good kick out of her showing up, given the context.


So many comments for such a blah episode! I am late to the game on this episode because I don't like it. I did read a few comments, and I will agree that I like this episode less on rewatches than I did originally. It was a bit blah originally, but now I just don't like it at all. I never liked Paris's persona that she puts on, and I did not like to see my show bring that into it. After season 4, I had higher expectations for episodes. I actually like MOTW, and episodes that provide a break after some heavy ones. This one didn't work in either way for me. Without judging the quality, I do see the reasoning for it. Dean wanted an easy case for them to work together, after being apart and one that will show if they can work together and see how Sam is doing. I just wish it had been a case that was interesting. I'm not a fan of the was figures, or the movie. I didn't know the connection between Jared and Paris at the time, which may have helped. The Broment stuff was good. Needed to happen. I wasn't happy that Sam basically blamed Dean for his actions, but Dean accepted it and apologized. Touchy subject for me. I am just ambivalent. I understand it. Needed to be said.

Kayla Waters

I'll say that I'm not really a fan of this episode. Straight out hated it first time I watched it, but with all the different reactors I've seen watch it, and my own rewatches of the series, I've found little things that have made it grow on me. The "Si, Abraham Lincoln killed Mr. Hill" always makes me chuckle, the absurd police officer just getting more and more flustered, and the look Sam gives Dean when he says he hasn't seen House of Wax, etc. Still not a favorite by any means, especially compared to the gold that's on the way, but I've found it's more fun to look for the things you enjoy than the things you don't. :)

Kayla Waters

ONE THING THOUGH. They never address the fact that every time an attack happens the ghost cold breath thing happens. It wasn't a ghost. Why did the temperature drop? Ugh. Does anybody have an explanation for this?