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Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/409393527/e97466d20f

Review AFTER Reaction BEGINS AT: 44 min & 55 Seconds


Episode Synopsis:

Rose & The Doctor travel back to the 1980's where Rose saves her Father from being killed in during a hit & run...however, this creates a whole bunch of time problems & lives being killed while they're trapped without a Phone Booth to get them out of this reality. 


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Dr Who Series 1 Ep 8 "Father's Day" | WATCH ALONG

This is "Dr Who Series 1 Ep 8 "Father's Day" | WATCH ALONG" by The Reel Rejects on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people...


lewis is your patron

This episode has always held a very special place in my heart, and my Dads heart. I was nine when the reboot of Doctor Who came around and my Dad, who enjoyed the show when he was kid, would watch it with me. He mainly watched because he absolutely loved the revival of the show and was so happy that he could share it with me, much like he shared the classic series with my Grandpa Don. That’s one of the reasons that this episode was very emotional for the both of us, but him especially. My Grandpa had been diagnosed with brain tumour in early 2004 and that entire year was a gradual decline in every way. He could do next to nothing by himself, he started to lose memories and he generally became unaware of his surroundings. But worst of all he started to forget faces and some days he wouldn’t recognise me or worse my Dad. He passed away in November of 2004 and it was very rough for everyone and it hit my Dad like a tonne of bricks. I was obviously very upset too but seeing how much it impacted my Dad and how I’d never seen him that emotional before really got to me. So by the time this episode rolled about, it was still relatively fresh in our minds and we were simply not prepared for the amount of crying and holding back tears followed by even more crying that this episode gave us. So despite the rather *questionable* 2005 CGI, this remains one of my favourite episodes of Doctor Who, that manages to make me cry every time. Rest in Peace, Donald Stewart. (FYI this will not be the last time you’re brought to tears by this show, it gets ridiculously emotional and will make y’all cry worse than the Stranger Things Season 3 Finale) Stay safe! Lewis

Laura Moore

I love this episode and always seem to find new gems every time I watch it. You guys seem to find so many at once. I love y’all’s dissection after the reaction every time! The only beat I would add that I love is the tie in to the first episode, which you talked about a bit. But I love when the Doctor figures out Rose only said yes to travel with him after she knew they could travel in time. And how she didn’t deny it was the deciding factor, but said it wasn’t like some big plan. For me it helps give a lot of depth to her character. When she first runs to the TARDIS with that big grin on her face to join the Doctor it’s this big romantic moment. And ever since she’s been pretty infatuated. It always seemed kind of weird or obsessed that this 19 year old girl, who was just facing near death, abandoned her family to travel with this strange guy she know’s is an alien. Before the comment in this episode basically all of her motivation was to be with the Doctor, and yeah seek out adventure but she didn’t even really know that yet. This episode reveals it wasn’t only that, but also the hidden motive of wanting to see her dead dad. Personally it took me a while to really like Rose, but this episode helped me out a lot, when I got started


Absolutely fantastic episode analysis guys. Very enjoyable watching you become emotionally caught up with this one. I think I speak for many Whovian reaction followers, that these are some of the those moments we are waiting for. I love this episode. I do like a good cry. Which took me until about my mid 30's to do as freely as I should. I lost my Dad when I was 15 and being strong for my mother was a burden I placed on myself. Once I freed myself of that mentally having a good cry during a Doctor Who episode is actually quite therapeutic. Obviously reactions will be different for everyone. This is about a 3 of 10 on the Whovian Cryometre for me. Looking forward to what I consider a 10 scale episode in the future. Again bloodly brilliant post episode chat guys.

Toasted Toad

Once again, a great reaction, guys. It's clear in your discussions that you really do 'get' this show and what it has to offer. Yes, there's lots of fun romping around in space and time and having adventures, but it's all grounded in people, and making you care about them.  All the great ideas and sfx in the world won't make a good programme if you don't give a monkey's about your protagonists (and, in some of the best programmes, your antagonist too). Conversely, you can get away with slightly clunky sfx if the story, characters and acting all draw you in. And that's where this episode really hits home. In 40 minutes we meet and lose Rose's father and yet he is a fully fleshed out character, brilliantly acted, and it really pulls those heart strings.  Diverging slightly, that's where, I think, the Marvel movies  largely succeeded where DC largely failed. We simply didn't care about the DC characters in their movies (although they did much better in their TV shows). The Doctor/Rose relationship as between Ecclestone/Piper is a curious one. It's not a romantic love. He's much older than her, but it's clearly not fatherly love either. Yet I think it's more than friendship. I think they ride that line really well. Oh, and your 'English' accents are making my ears bleed! :)

Susan Binks

When I first watched this episode I was 10 and even though I enjoyed it, it didn't really stick with me. I think because I was so young, the idea of losing my Dad had never really occurred to me. A few years back my Dad had a heart attack, thankfully he survived but now the prospect of losing him is now very real. I re-watched this episode randomly a little while later and by the end of it I was in absolute pieces. It is now one of my favourite episodes and I love it more each time I watch it, it never fails to make me cry.


Hi Guys, Great reaction (as always) to a great episode. Just wanted to check that you will be reacting to the Christmas specials which follow each season as they are not only fantastic episodes but also feature a lot of important information for the show as a whole. Also as I’ve seen other comments saying, prepare for a whole lot more emotional episodes.

Adam C Turek

Every time you do your English Accent, a Chimney Sweep dies. There's soot everywhere....

Jason Usher

great reaction