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"Good God, Ya'll!"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/403924969/d0dd6f2812

Review After Reactions BEGINS AT: 43 min 3 seconds


Episode Synopsis:

Bobby is paralyzed & Castiel's powers from heaven are limited. Meanwhile, Rufus & Joe are dealing with a Demon Infestation in Colorado so Sam & Dean stop in the town to help out... However, things may not be as they seem!


Links To All Seasons SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 5x2 WATCHALONG


Toasted Toad

I understand the way you were watching it, Greg, as this is a particularly beautifully shot episode, and I am very aware of the externals - the long walk to "Spirit in the Sky", which you then find is playing from the abandoned car, and that final parting scene between Sam and Dean which is so poignant against such a beautiful background. Surprised you didn't cotton on to what was happening sooner with your 'observant' eye on though, Greg! Notice that when Sam killed those two 'demons' in the shop, there was none of the usual flash you get with demon knife killings. Again, Cas getting right close up in Dean's face - personal space, Cas - personal space! We knew Ellen was alive (she encountered Dean and Bobby having one of their emo meltdowns in Bobby's place when Bobby found out Dean had made the demon deal). But we weren't sure about Jo (except we couldn't imagine Ellen would not have mentioned if she were dead)


My favorite thing that happens in the show is what happens in season 11...That revelation and the way they found out about that was so well done..Its gonna take a while until you guys get to it but i cant wait..The thing that happens in season 11 connects well with this season and what this season talks about

Melanie LeBlanc

"He's going to go drink angel blood for the next six months and come back holier than thou"....so what your saying is he'll be back to his normal self, John? 😂 Sorry, I just love that the last thing Dean told Sam last episode was that he didn't trust him, and Sam was just, "I can't believe you're acting like you don't trust me. It's been like three days man!" And yes, I know Sam is being defensive because he needed to admit that he didn't trust himself. Can we just stop and appreciate how much Cas likes to linger just inside Dean's personal space? I love it. He doesn't do that to anybody else. Dean's conflict at handing over the Samulet to Cas gets me every time. It's a physical representation of his little brother that he carried with him for almost twenty years, even when Sam left for two years to go to Stanford and never called Dean. I always saw it as Dean's last bit of childhood. He gave that up at the beginning of the episode, and he gave Sam up at the end of it. And Bobby only wants to see God if he brings legs. That sounds about right. Another great reaction, guys. Thanks for all the quality content while we're stuck in our homes

Elle B.

“No, he’s not on any flatbread” always kills me 😂

Eric Horstman

Ok, in the review, I think 9:57, when you are talking about SAM being tempted by the blood, the G-Man calls Sam Dean AGAIN (see many, many other reviews lol) Greg has a cruuu-ush! ***please note I take a shot every time Greg calls Sam Dean so I blame my lack of sobriety on him***

Steve Rivera

I think this comment gives away too much. Considering there isn't anything in this episode that could carry on for so long in the series except for the obvious thing.

Steve Rivera

Glad you loved this episode. I remember when I saw this live my mind was exploding with the revelation of the Horesemen. It was such a cool way to expand this universe, and it's exciting to think about how the other Horsemen will be handled! I particularly loved how the red Mustang was War's steed 😆😆 Rufus was in Season 3. He was just a contact of Bobby's, and Dean was looking to find out some information. Ash's mullet will live on in our hearts!

Jani Salminen

Great twist in this one, the casting is on point with War. Man, this season is great, waiting for the coming weeks with excitement.

Eric Horstman

Cool! What’s your poison? Currently downing Slipknot No. 9 Whiskey. 90 proof and fire!


So - Greg gets the visual and craft aspects while John gets the story feels. That's the whole package there, so the two of you make it perfect. But this is also one of the many reason's a lot of us fans rewatch this show so often. It can take a couple views to be able to take in some episodes/season's. But Greg still mixing up Dean and Sam names is a bit troubling here in season 5! I think the fact that they often choose such beautiful places after a "case" is a sign that they do appreciate the beauty of these places. I do feel the need to say that Cas is really hot when he's pissed and giving Dean some shit.


That's too much for me. How about some Peach Schnapps? lol

Reggie B

Loved your reaction to the big twist this episode! Was very much looking forward to what you guys thought of it. (me? Talk at length about Sam and how much I love his character? maybe) Sam's decision at the end of the ep, while admittedly very poor timing, is what I think is best for him right now. Continuing to hunt while still struggling with his addiction, it’s like an alcoholic working in a bar. I think that him stepping away is really mature of him. (and clarifying something, Sam THOUGHT it was demon blood, even though it wasn't, that's why he was tempted.) I relate to what Sam’s going through re his addiction and recovery thereof. I wont get into it, but I’ve had my own struggles w/ uh.. self destructive habits? back in high school. (like I've said before i am in a MUCH better place now lol.) It obviously isn't a 1 to 1 comparison, but I feel for a lot of what Sam is shown to be going through here, with him desperately trying to stay on the wagon. And of course Jared's acting is wonderful, as usual!! No idea if this is tmi lol. my comment this week is later than I would've liked, but I wanted to make sure I took the time to word it carefully lol. Lots of great episodes to look forward to!


Yeah, on a craft level alone, this was one was especially gorgeous. Although I do admit, I'm a little ashamed to have missed those details during the knife fight 😅 It's shot so quick & gritty, they obviously don't call too much attention, but that distraction with the blood just works so well. 😝 "It's not the blood.." ugh.. 😫 I'm so excited to be seeing more of Cas these days lol. Especially for little fish-out-of-water moments like that. Also VERY much appreciate the reminder re: Ellen. Makes sense as well re: Jo. I keep holding out hope Ash might turn back up at some point, but I guess for now I'll assume we've lost him to the ages.


Not gonna read toooo far into this haha, but I certainly hope you've not lost interest by the time we get there!


I'm sorry I didn't mean too, i tried not to say much as possible

Toasted Toad

There is no need to say anything at all about Season 11 in a reaction to 5x2. Doesn't matter how careful your wording.


Hahaha I may have flubbed the words a little bit, but... I guess yeah. I think I maybe meant Dean's gonna do that & become like.. Nega-Sam lol, all hopped-up on Angel Blood. God the Sam & Dean conflict as of this season is just punching me in the heart haha. And you get where Sam is coming from, you understand his anguish, but... yeahhhh 😅😓 I am so excited for more of the Dean/Cas dynamic this season. So far, their moments together have all tickled me pretty good at some point - loved the personal space bit.. and god, the FLATBREAD line lol. God, though, I didn't fully connect those two - him giving up the Samulet (lol) at the top and then Sam, himself, at the end. There's some poetry for ya. Also LOL to "Bobby only wants to see God if he brings legs." 😂Seems about the size of it.. As always REALLY glad you're enjoying the reactions (especially with all the quarantine & everything going on). We'll be back at ya for the next one in no time. Thanks, as always, for your thoughtful reply!!!


lol my name is John and I fully endorse this drinking game 😂 (And all y'all's preferred poisons sound delightful 😝 happy drinking!!!)


Oh man, I bet!! Dreading the other horsemen if & when (...I'm assuming WHEN) they show up 😰VERY cool take on the first one, though. And yeah haha, dug that Red Mustang touch as well. Beauty!!! And there we go! I remember Dean going to visit him n all that, but couldn't quite recall the context. Appreciate that! (Pouring one out for Ash & his mullet as we speak 😭)


Very much agreed!! Glad you're enjoying so far. This season's HEAVY! Both incredibly nervous & excited for whatever's next!!!

Steve Rivera

I'll be honest I kind forgot what they were talking about too 😅 definitely something to do with finding a way out of the demon deal Dean made, and Dean having some introspection about the hunting life. But yeah he knows Bobby and it seemed he was mostly retired, but obviously now he's back in it. Tough times of course!


Greg seemed to wonder if they actually filmed some of the exterior scenes in Colorado. Nope. The entire show is shot in the Vancouver area except for the pilot which was done in California. The use of Spirit in the Sky is one of my favorite music cues in the show, somehow it fits so well with how they walk into the town and then find it playing on an abandoned car’s radio


that bridge *war flashbacks* (iykyk)