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REACTION HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/402389690/64bef72305

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at:  23 Mins & 03 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: While preparations are underway, Emma, Norman, and Ray are now "training" the other kids so they can get stronger and be ready when the time comes... But despite Mom's orders, the new Sister Krone has her own plan..


Links to ALL The Promised Neverland reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Promised%20Neverland%20S1


The Promised Neverland 1x3 STREAM



Just list the 3 episode titles and you’ll understand the meaning of the numbers. The world building is subtle and the hints you get, leave you with more questions about the outside world. It’s interesting seeing how you break it down. Other reactions I’ve seen (and enjoyed) is more about their raw expressions. You give good face John which is always a plus, but now I’m noticing the use of angles, pans, the colour palette and sounds which influenced all these reactions I saw and how I felt myself. The shot of Mama looking down to the ‘camera’ and the way they animate Krones pupils like they’re both focused on Emma. How they show Norman with a bead of sweat or Gildas eyes. You feel like a kid trying desperately not to get caught. It’s dope and I’m enjoying it week to week. I’ll tell you my favourite thing is that theres no inner monologue or major info dumps. I just finished FMAB (👌) so I’m gonna binge those reactions now. Stay healthy, stay home, stay safe guys. From Aus

Ryan H

not sure if that 2015 year is correct we've seen the calendar I think twice so far and it say a very different year.


You know its a modern anime when it uses camera techniques used in live action films and tv show . The angles , depth of field , perspective changes it really adds to the show , havin this distinct visual flair thats inspired by film compared to older anime . Its used tio great effect. I also really liked most of the music, mainly the more atmospheric undertones rather than the jazzy chace tune , lol. The one thing I really disliked is that one scene with sister Krone in the room alone. She just basically exposits what is her agenda and what she plans to do. But the way its done, context wise i really dont like it . Like there is no reason she would say all those things outta nowhere . And I dont think her whole scene was in the manga , i might be wrong tho. Overall another good ep, after shaky first episode last one and this one are just overall solid eps, with good directing and cinematography


Aw, I'm so happy to hear that!!! God, FMAB feels so long ago now 😅but ahh, such a great show - Hope you dig the reactions!!! Are the titles dates? ..just arranged the way the rest of the world does it? (We're the weirdos who do the month first lol) Also, then does this mean it's some alternate 1945... or 2045??? Perhaps I'm asking too many questions at this moment lol. Also I'm tickled by the phrase "good face" for whatever reason haha - but I'm SO glad you're enjoying both parts of the video 😊it's a treat getting to do the react portion & getting sucked into the shows, but it's also really fun & rewarding to be able to break them down & have you guys engage right back. Also REALLY pleased if it's helping you get more out of your own experiences with the show.. god there are so many great & unsettling little flourishes. Not to mention some of the creepy silences and glitch noises they throw in. They're really good at putting you in the kids' shoes. And agreed! Aside from the overt intros for our 3 main characters in the first ep, I'm enjoying the way they're building the mystery and sharing the information. Really appreciate all the love & hope you're staying safe & healthy as well. Love from the States!!!


Yeah, I'm still wondering about that haha, especially having been given some insight on the titles... are we in alternate 1945? ...or 2045?!?!?

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:49:48 Haha I'm not sure I'd arrived at the question yet, but I was wondering if this was due to its being so recent. I feel like there's been a ton of imagery to appreciate across the shows we've covered here, but this does feel uniquely cinematic in a fresh way. Loving the camera & tone work. And the music as well, good call! That's an aspect I'd like to train myself to recognize a bit more in realtime. (although I will go to bat for the jazz lol) I feel ya on the Sister Krone soliloquy for sure. Didn't wind up suuuper upset/distracted by it in the moment due to the other weirdness happening in the scene, but I do agree. She lays out her plan in straight forward terms... and also sings it SUPER loud, so again.. I'm like "you're lucky nobody's listening, walking past, nearby, etc." lol Either way, though, glad you're still enjoying! :)
2020-04-01 23:18:24 Haha I'm not sure I'd arrived at the question yet, but I was wondering if this was due to its being so recent. I feel like there's been a ton of imagery to appreciate across the shows we've covered here, but this does feel uniquely cinematic in a fresh way. Loving the camera & tone work. And the music as well, good call! That's an aspect I'd like to train myself to recognize a bit more in realtime. (although I will go to bat for the jazz lol) I feel ya on the Sister Krone soliloquy for sure. Didn't wind up suuuper upset/distracted by it in the moment due to the other weirdness happening in the scene, but I do agree. She lays out her plan in straight forward terms... and also sings it SUPER loud, so again.. I'm like "you're lucky nobody's listening, walking past, nearby, etc." lol Either way, though, glad you're still enjoying! :)

Haha I'm not sure I'd arrived at the question yet, but I was wondering if this was due to its being so recent. I feel like there's been a ton of imagery to appreciate across the shows we've covered here, but this does feel uniquely cinematic in a fresh way. Loving the camera & tone work. And the music as well, good call! That's an aspect I'd like to train myself to recognize a bit more in realtime. (although I will go to bat for the jazz lol) I feel ya on the Sister Krone soliloquy for sure. Didn't wind up suuuper upset/distracted by it in the moment due to the other weirdness happening in the scene, but I do agree. She lays out her plan in straight forward terms... and also sings it SUPER loud, so again.. I'm like "you're lucky nobody's listening, walking past, nearby, etc." lol Either way, though, glad you're still enjoying! :)

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

I think at this point you can see that characters in this show don't care if someone is eavesdropping or not. It bothered me for quite a bit, but I did finally look past it after a few more episodes. Would have loved to see the studio taking a different route and make these characters "whisper shout" instead haha


Hahaha, yeeaaahhhh 😅I think that's my most consistent nitpick, but it seemed a little better this ep.. I would GLADLY take some whisper shouting lol. Just don't trust this house at all.


Especially like John said when the camera angle implied there is someone else in the corner listening, only to find out it was just building suspense and uneasiness. I think they could have made it not as misleading as it is.