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Happy S.H.I.E.L.D./Comic Book Thursday, peeps!  The saga continues!!!

Episode Synopsis: Loyalties are tested when Gonzales insists that the Fury toolbox be opened... meanwhile, Skye learns more about her powers from Inhuman transitioner, Lincoln..


Previous Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episodes:



This is "SHIELD 2X16" by The Reel Rejects on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



***HEY, GUYS!! Just a quick update - I'm SO sorry for the extra wait on this week's episode 😖 I posted earlier thinking I'd handily find some time to re-upload to Vimeo & neglected to keep you guys properly updated alongside the progress of the day -- In future, y'all will be UPDATED AF!! -- But for now, ALL THE THANK YOU's go to SENOR GREGORY for getting the upload back on-track & updating you guys in my absence. Episode will be up & watchable either later tonight or, worst case, early tomorrow. This week's episode's pretty awesome though, so hopefully it'll be worth the wait :) Thanks again, guys! See ya tomorrow!!

Christopher simeon

Thanks Greg and John. Love this episode and the callbacks to season 1. Trip and his howling commandos from 1x21, the sandwich from 1x7, Gonzales mentions May’s mission last season and Bahrain, Mike returning(we last saw him 1x22) The FitzSimmons scene went like this. Fitz saw that Simmons was making a copy of the box on the screen so when he entered the lab the one she was working on was the fake one and he pretended to try and take it to feel if it was real or not to confirm then fake argued with Simmons so they wouldn’t suspect that she was helping him and secretly discussed the plan. he told her to put the real one in his bag and she told him to leave and get it out of the base.

Christopher simeon

If you go back Cal never said jiaying was dead, we just saw only other people believed and said that. He only said Whitehall cut her to pieces and butchered her. We assume that would kill her but she is inhuman. Cal even said to Whitehall that he would be with his wife and daughter in afterlife. You can take the sandwich as symbolism that FitzSimmons are finally on the same page as they were in season 1.

Heru Muharrar

"What a rewarding sandwich!" Dude what a rewarding show lol. Next week is my second favorite ep of S2. It's great when you can see a show really grow and find it's footing. From the writers to the actors, even the direction you can see it's coming together. AoS specifically will always build off of previous scenes and previous seasons. The best part? We're still in S2. The best is yet to come. Next week is the first great episode the show had imo.


No problem, man! Sorry again!! But really glad ya dug :)) This episode was FULL of callbacks haha. Loved the touch with Trip and the cards, continuing to sorta honor his impact/memory among the team - and those cards were clutch!! Loved the sandwich at the end. Different moment, tonally, but it kinda reminded me of the sink last ep. in the sense that it's a liiiiittle moment of joy/calm for Fitz. And Mike's re-intro was SO badass haha. That moment got me good. And are we finally nearing the truth of May's infamous nickname?!? Taking down an Inhuman??? That whole back n forth with Fitz n Simmons was super-rewarding also. Definitely gonna go back and rewatch to solidify the beats you've laid out here, but I loved the sort of doublespeak communication that begins once he pulls it up on the big screen n sees what she's doing. They did a good job of making me unsure lol. So it still felt like a bummer when Fitz left, but such a fist pump when the reveal comes around. Gooood stuff!!! Can't wait for next week!


Ahhh, very clever! I hope I get some time to revisit these shows down the line just to pick up all these little extra nuances and details. That "be with my wife and daughter in afterlife" though, damn! Haha talk about context. INCREDIBLY curious about Jiaying and what her story's been all this time. And god.. what's to be done about Cal? 😅 Still appreciate Gordon telling him off for being erratic not having his shit together. And that's kinda how it felt! The reformation of FitzSimmons via sandwich haha.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:50:12 Hahaha right you are, an incredibly rewarding show AND a rewarding sandwich 😝 But yeah, thinking back to the earliest episodes, the growth is front & center. Obviously I miss certain details now and again, but I LOVE how they're calling back to all different moments and plotlines as things progress. Just makes the world and the aura feel that much more alive & substantial. Pretty damn psyched for next week's episode, especially hearing this. Sounds like it's gonna be a special one!!
2020-03-27 20:55:40 Hahaha right you are, an incredibly rewarding show AND a rewarding sandwich 😝 But yeah, thinking back to the earliest episodes, the growth is front & center. Obviously I miss certain details now and again, but I LOVE how they're calling back to all different moments and plotlines as things progress. Just makes the world and the aura feel that much more alive & substantial. Pretty damn psyched for next week's episode, especially hearing this. Sounds like it's gonna be a special one!!

Hahaha right you are, an incredibly rewarding show AND a rewarding sandwich 😝 But yeah, thinking back to the earliest episodes, the growth is front & center. Obviously I miss certain details now and again, but I LOVE how they're calling back to all different moments and plotlines as things progress. Just makes the world and the aura feel that much more alive & substantial. Pretty damn psyched for next week's episode, especially hearing this. Sounds like it's gonna be a special one!!


Very nice reaction. They kept the two Mike Peterson and Jiaying reveals pretty well under wraps especially as long as you weren’t looking for them. I was really surprised when this episode aired originally. I loved Mike and was really glad to see him again after the S1 finale. This show really thrives on callbacks and intimate yet reliable world-building. Seeing how expertly the writers are able to weave in aspects of long forgotten or seemingly throwaway plot points is really amazing. Some upcoming stories are especially known for this. The back half of this season has some of my favorite story lines and character progressions, so I’m excited to see what you think. For this current episode, I loved the introduction of Afterlife. The idea of a sanctuary for powered people is not really new but I liked the idea of a remote mountainous stronghold that can only be accessed via a teleporter. I also liked the beautiful visuals of the landscape in the distance. Ultimately I like what the name “Afterlife” represents for the people in the compound. Essentially the people there are transitioning from one life to a new and unfamiliar one. A place where theoretically you can start fresh and leave the person you used to be and the choices you used to make behind. I like that they treat everyone who transitions equally and considers them worthy of the same attention or care. However, I do remember feeling a sense of “too good to be true” about the place when I first watched. Something sinister about the placid way they go about things. Not outright villainous or anything, just off. Whether the book lives up to the cover is yet to be seen.


I personally really like Lincoln here though he is almost too charming for his own good. He seems like a genuinely nice person but a little bit airheaded. Harmless enough so far, tho. Raina, on the other hand….there’s a lot going on there emotionally. Some stuff I don’t want to get into until later in the season but for now I wanted to highlight the juxtaposition and parallels the show is making between her and Skye. The show has built on that juxtaposition for a while. Even back in S1, there was just a taste in the final eps. The moment Raina saw Skye’s bloodwork in the files Ward stole back in Providence (S1), she was intrigued by her. S2 really leaned into tho. Every time they had a scene together in the first half of S2, I always got the sense that Raina wanted to form some type of connection between them even if it is just out of curiosity over powered people and what Skye could become. After the Kree Temple, everything changed for Raina. Now there’s extreme jealousy, self-loathing, pain, and suicidal ideation all wrapped up in her conversations with Skye. Skye also feels a lot of guilt over Tripp’s death, self-loathing, hatred, violation, and fear that she associates with Raina and Skye’s own forced transition. It’s a really complex and meaty dynamic to explore between two WOC who are not related or lovers or friends. I really do enjoy watching it. Next ep is pretty rad so I can’t wait.