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Thanks for your question, CHRISTOPHER SIMEON!!!

How do you guys feel?  Is this something you struggle with reasonably frequently or not so much?  ...and what are some of your keys to climbing out of that place?!?

Leave it in the comments, peeps!!


Christopher Simeon Q&A


Christopher simeon

Lol that ending. Thanks guys for the advise. I’m currently trying to figure out future my career goals and this was just one of the questions that keep popping in my head. I’ve always had a hard time figure out what I want in life and just wanted your perspectives on it. Thank you for the response and the laugh at the end lol.


If I took the time to really look at some of the micro level decisions I've made in my life, I would probably see the negatives in them. However, when I keep my head in the macro I can focus on the silver linings, the lessons and all of the good that came out of the result of situations that weren't based on solid choices. Jared Padalecki always says, "there are no losers; you win or you learn" and this has been something I've lived by even before I heard him use that phrase. At the end of the day, I've had to accept that even the choices that seemed better or would have produced a more solid outcome aren't always the right ones. Especially decisions based on just the logical aspect. Those decisions will always feel wrong, because I'm only half in the game. Finding the balance between the heart and the head will always be the right path...no matter the outcome. That's where you find the path of least resistance, even when you have to change course. Change can be a beautiful thing when you can fully embrace it.

thereelrejects (edited)

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2021-07-15 04:58:40 No problem, man! Hope we were able to touch on something useful. Can definitely be a lot to swim in, figuring out life, and career, and where you want to focus your time & energy. And if you don't know exactly where you want to go just yet, that's not a bad thing. Even if it feels like you're late to something. Hang in there, bud!! Glad we could make ya laugh a little 😊
2019-12-05 15:07:58 No problem, man! Hope we were able to touch on something useful. Can definitely be a lot to swim in, figuring out life, and career, and where you want to focus your time & energy. And if you don't know exactly where you want to go just yet, that's not a bad thing. Even if it feels like you're late to something. Hang in there, bud!! Glad we could make ya laugh a little 😊

No problem, man! Hope we were able to touch on something useful. Can definitely be a lot to swim in, figuring out life, and career, and where you want to focus your time & energy. And if you don't know exactly where you want to go just yet, that's not a bad thing. Even if it feels like you're late to something. Hang in there, bud!! Glad we could make ya laugh a little 😊

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:58:40 That's a great quote, I really like that. Think it's a good way to look at things. And I like your perspective as well. It can be really easy to fixate on & get bogged down with life on the micro level - I think I could do well to take a page from your book and zoom out to the macro a bit more often. That's a great point about the balance as well. I feel like heart vs. head is often the trickiest back & forth for us clunky little humans. In tough situations, my grandpa used to recommend taking the emotion out, looking at the lay of the land logically, then adding the emotion back in once you've got a clear picture of the logic. I've come to appreciate this approach - you need both, but they can be quite hard to parse in unison. Definitely been one of the biggest lessons over time, learning to embrace & flow with change. Appreciate your insights! :)
2019-12-05 15:26:55 That's a great quote, I really like that. Think it's a good way to look at things. And I like your perspective as well. It can be really easy to fixate on & get bogged down with life on the micro level - I think I could do well to take a page from your book and zoom out to the macro a bit more often. That's a great point about the balance as well. I feel like heart vs. head is often the trickiest back & forth for us clunky little humans. In tough situations, my grandpa used to recommend taking the emotion out, looking at the lay of the land logically, then adding the emotion back in once you've got a clear picture of the logic. I've come to appreciate this approach - you need both, but they can be quite hard to parse in unison. Definitely been one of the biggest lessons over time, learning to embrace & flow with change. Appreciate your insights! :)

That's a great quote, I really like that. Think it's a good way to look at things. And I like your perspective as well. It can be really easy to fixate on & get bogged down with life on the micro level - I think I could do well to take a page from your book and zoom out to the macro a bit more often. That's a great point about the balance as well. I feel like heart vs. head is often the trickiest back & forth for us clunky little humans. In tough situations, my grandpa used to recommend taking the emotion out, looking at the lay of the land logically, then adding the emotion back in once you've got a clear picture of the logic. I've come to appreciate this approach - you need both, but they can be quite hard to parse in unison. Definitely been one of the biggest lessons over time, learning to embrace & flow with change. Appreciate your insights! :)