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Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/373639905/91fcdd5697

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at: 51 Mins & 30 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: Sam and Dean find that a. family man is turning into a flesh-eating monster... and they argue about killing him..


Supernatural 4x4 STREAM Metamorphosis


Byron Abrahams

Just put it together now that this is the same town they go to in Abandon All Hope. They ask Crowley where Lucifer is, and he says he has an appointment in Carthage, Missouri.

Toasted Toad

Oooh, yikes! Never noticed that bone before. Ick! *sigh* Sometimes SPN can be as subtle as a sledgehammer. They do a beautiful, poignant episode like last week, and then start this one off with the "to be continued" - Dean finding Sam and having the bro fight. But instead of the full episode we expected, it's only a few minutes. Kind of like they overran last week so had to dump the remainder into this week's episode. Just as we're up to the really moving bit where Sam is distraught at Dean telling him the Angels want him to stop what he's doing, they suddenly abandon all that and move on to a MOTW which is clearly all designed to parallel Sam's situation. So I like the broments in this episode, but the episode overall, not so much. And yep, we all knew what Yellow Eyes had done to Sam, but Dean didn't - something else Sam hid from him. Can't imagine why! Oh, and that's why Bobby wasn't in this episode - because the other hunter's role in this episode was to die, pushing the Kangaroo over the edge, and we couldn't have them killing off Bobby! They got in some real beauty shots of Gen (Ruby) this episode too. Not that that's all that difficult - she's a stunning woman, but still, I thought it was beautifully framed.

Melanie LeBlanc

I live in South Louisiana and grew up hearing the folklore of the monster called Rougarou that haunts the swamps and woods looking for prey. I always appreciated Supernatural giving it's own version of the creature, especially when they gave the "monster" more depth than the average creature of the week. The next episode has less to do with the overall story arc, but it is still one of my favorites of the season for reasons...Can't wait to hear you two riff on it! Much love guys!

Laura Moore

Really fun rewatching with you! I didn’t remember a lot of this episode which made it fun. I think I just remembered it really grossed me out so I would skip it when I rewatched so didn’t remember even a lot of the brother stuff. On the flip side I LOVE the next episode. I won’t say much cause...well duh you have watched it yet, but even if I don’t think it’s necessary one of the best episode it’s a personal favorite and episode I hold dear and rewatch often


I love this episode because I love a good brother fistfight. I know, I’m a sick puppy, but I can’t help it—I LOVE conflict! This was the final episode directed by Kim Manners, as he died a couple of months after it aired from lung cancer. Jared and Jensen still talk about him, and Jensen credits Kim with his (Jensen’s) directing career so far. I don’t really consider that a spoiler! I think y’all will like the next one! ✌️