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"Big x Time x Interview"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/371774375/a90dafd519

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT: 22min 47 seconds



Gon and friends are trapped inside a cave with poisonous snakes. They seek to help Leorio, who has been bitten and is growing weak.


Hunter x Hunter 18 STREAM



I think for me personally , the end where Gon just self reflects and tells Kurapika how he was affected by Hisoka was my fav part. First time watching , i was actually surprised that character is aware of his own emotional state and coping mechanisms . Usually we dont get that in this genre .And it had a bit of nuance that i appreciated . So it was a nice to have another layer added to Gon. The whole Leorio part , i totally agree with you . I think at this point he is more of a comic relief/ the more normal huiman character of the bunch to show the contrast between the other 3 and overall just super strong people . Overall solid episode. Glad you enjoyed it.