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Thanks for the question, KYLE!!!

Any Fun Stories You'd All Like To Share?!


Our Best And Or Worst Celebrity Encounter?!


Katie Anne

Art Alexakis (Everclear), met after a show, waited years (and several concerts) to finally share how his music helped me through difficult family issues as a teenager. He asked if it was better now (I was 27), and I explained I just had my house destroyed by a fire a few days prior. He told me my 20s were a hiccup, my 30s will be so much better (they are!), hugged me, signed my shirt, and was genuinely kind and docile. Wonderful experience :) The shirt is in a shadow box in my living room and I think of that every time I see it ^_^


Mine would be like literally having a heart attack when my heart rate went up to 180 beats per minute all just because I Seth Rollins shirt off of his back which in deed I got. It was an awesome and well worth dying experience for me.


Aw, that makes me real happy to hear. While I've not really ever listened to a full Everclear album, there are definitely some jams of theirs I keep in rotation from back in the day. That's so cool to hear he was so sweet & open to what you had to say. Sounds like the perfect experience, glad you were able to share that!! :) Great place for that shirt as well haha CAN NEVER WASH IT!!!


Daaamn haha not bad!!! Was it covered in real Rollins sweat?! Sounds like the perfect souvenir 😊

Neeraj Krishnan

Remember meeting two celebrities -Richard Belzer and Shane McMahon. These were on two different occasions.Belzer was cool. Met him outside the studio where David Letterman used to tape his show.


Aw, that's awesome!! Been a while since I've seen SVU, but glad to hear he was a cool guy. Was he doing something Letterman-related, or was this just kinda at random?

Neeraj Krishnan

Random.Met him at a diner next to the studio. This was around the time he was leaving SVU. Think he was doing the farewell rounds on various talk shows. Even though there was crowd gathering around ,he took a couple of minutes to have a conversation.


Ahh, not bad! That would make some sense, then. Really cool of him to take the time, especially with a fair amount of people around. Not everyone would.


Stories like these restore my faith in humanity. It's nice to know there are still good ones out there. Thank you for sharing your experiences.