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Thanks for the question, Bannawit Pimpanuwat!


With Joker generating a lot of discussions, what do you think is the most ridiculous controversy caused by a film? 


Which Film Would You Guys Say It Is?!


Bannawit Q&A October 2019



Well I have not seen Joker yet since I live in a very church based community the one film that was banned from showing was the Xmens Dark Phenoix due to some scenes that had satanic rituals or references in the film. So since then I have not seen that movie or have seen it on DVD or blue ray in stores were i live.


Huh! I actually wouldn't have guessed that, of all movies, to get the ban treatment. I don't recall anything particularly satanic (or suggestive in that direction) happening in the movie, but then again, we are Hollywood heathens, so maybe we wouldn't catch that kinda thing 😅 seems kinda crazy to not even be able to find it in a store, but I suppose that's why we've got streaming now.