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Thanks for the question, HOUSE HEISENBERG!!! 

Would love for everyone to chime in - lets keep it respectful peeps. I know politics can be a sensitive subject for people, let's be friendly even if we have difference of perspectives

Full Question Is:

Hey guys! Haven't done a Q&A in a while. My question is about politics (feel free to skip it/message me if you don't want to answer). Who are you rooting for in the Democratic primary? I'm a Bernie guy all the way; he's the only one I'm confident will never back down/cave to the pressures of the establishment. To me, he's a once in a generation candidate that can actually bring the change people have been desperate for (and has the 40+ year resume of fighting the right fights when other candidates were definitely NOT). The funny thing is that I actually come from a well to do family (and they are definitely not Bernie fans) and I've been privileged to have all of the things that Bernie is fighting to make free and/or accessible to all. I seem to be the only one in my fam that values the needs of the many over the needs of the few. Sorry for my rant! Anybody would be better than the current occupant of the White House but I'm feeling the Bern :)


House Heisenberg


Brian H

Bernie. Bernie or Tulsi, are the only 2 that can defeat trump. Let's not have a repeat of 2016.

Toasted Toad

Anyone who can unite the party and the country enough to defeat Trump. Charisma is key in order to carry this. Trump is winning on entertainment value and key deceptions. After all, his "MAGA" slogan is insidious - he had first to convince everyone that America was not already great. What a wonderful PR job.

Brian H

Yes, we need someone who brings in democrats, moderate Republicans, and the biggest voting block (independents). Bernie, or Tulsi does that. No one else on that stage can. Charisma is not going to win. Trust me.

Eric Horstman

Michelle Obama...wait, is that not a thing? Kinda in the John mode, but probably Bernie... or just whoever can smash the Orange Blob to a pulp

Toasted Toad

You need someone who can bring the vote of the general public. Is a 78 year old Democrat who has not been a billionaire TV reality star going to do that? I'm an idealist, but also a realist with a somewhat cynical view of what people vote for in this day and age.

Brian H

Yes. Both Tulsi and Bernie bring in a lot of voters. Hence, the independent vote, which is the biggest voting block. And the reason they can beat a tv host is that they are not paid by the same people as everyone else on that stage. They have freedom to hit him where it hurts. I'm telling you, if it is going to be anyone else, Trump eat them alive, and we'll get another 2016. I was right then, and I'm right now.


Heh. It would be sure nice not to go for two with him 😅😰 I don’t believe I’ve had a chance to hear Tulsi speak yet, I’ll have to look into her.

Brian H

The reason I say those two, is because they're not beholden to big donors. They can beat trump, because they can hit him where it hurts. Bernie is my dude though.


Ugh. That man has taught me truly never to say never with politics. Hoping the alternatives can get themselves together & cut thru some of the glut. Honestly dunno what it’s gonna take this time, but if there’s anything the last election proved it’s certainly that charisma, outrage, and entertainment get & keep people’s attention. Honestly not excited for this, but hoping for the best 😅


Aw man haha, if only. I feel like if Michelle stepped onto the field, everybody else would just sit down lol. Sounds like we both got us some research to do!