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Hey guys,

Got some questions from peeps who watch my Gotham Stream Alongs - I don’t know if you caught any of our posts about the fire near us on Friday but really set our schedule back by a whole day.

Our home on Friday was so bad on the inside, eyes kept turning red, migraines, some minor difficulty breathing - so spent 3 hours / about 50 miles driving & calling SO MANY STORES to get an air purifier in the evening lol. It was like jingle all the way for an air purifier haha

Surprised we got Supernatural and an El Camino review done.

I’ll have to shoot the finale of Gotham at some point tomorrow - would like to use today to recover some energy for the upcoming week. Usually like to take Sundays off but probably gonna catch up on editing and such.

Thanks for being patient :))


Brandon Nsaho

Your good man get some Sleep!! Work hard play hard!


Absolutely no prob man! You guys be safe, and take care of yourselves.


Hope all is well. Look after yourselves first and foremost 😁


Really appreciate it, guys! Means the world, especially when circumstances like that come up. The fire seems to be calming now, thankfully, so should be back to our regularly scheduled week now!