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Thanks for your question, ERIC HORSTMAN!!!

Full Q Reads:  Do you believe in fate and destiny, that our lives are already set in stone from the moment we are born, or are we able to change the evolution of our paths depending on the choices we make? But what if you only make bad choices? Is that fated? Why will one brother grow up to be happy and accomplished while the other one (growing up in the same environment) become a bitter pill of self-loathing and addiction? (Asking for a friend lol) Sorry I get philosophical after a few drinks...ok five


What do y'all think, peeps?!  Are you a fatalist or are you rockin' that free-will???  Leave it in the comments!!!


Do We Believe In Fate or Destiny?


Toasted Toad

Team Free Will. Every time.

Jessica McGuire

This was a very interesting question, guys, and I liked your answers. My own response tends to parallel Greg's quite a bit. The way I look at it is that there are certain things that are fated/destined to happen in our lives, like Greg said, and you can kind of picture those events like cities on a map for a journey that you're taking. The free will part comes in with the route you take to each "city" and what you do at each destination when you arrive. And, sometimes, your choices may even change the order in which you arrive at each destination. Like a friend of mine that married her high school sweetheart but not until 25 years after they graduated and both had married and divorced other people. You could say that they were destined for one another but they married in their mid-40s instead of right out of high school, because of the choices they made.