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"A x Surprising x Challenge"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/355216683/abc840673f




GOURMET HUNTERS!!! After a dustup with Hisoka, Gon, and his friends make it safely to the site for the second phase of the exam, which will test their cooking abilities...


Hunter X Hunter 1x6 STREAM A X Surprising X Challenge X



To be honest I think this was weakest episode so far, besides the world building I thought this ep was pointless.


Yeah, this definitely felt like a world-building side-quest of an episode. I'd probably agree, although I didn't dislike it any. Feel like I can kinda see what they're going for, but it didn't come off feeling very focused. I liked the imagination behind some of it and thought it was kinda interesting to have the instructor sort of become a lead for the episode, but.. overall I'd probably agree.

Jessica McGuire

I actually like this episode. You guys didn't comment on the fact that Gon was the one that figured out how to kill the pigs and also the one that every other candidate that passed depended on for the timing of the wind. Also, I think that part of the lesson for the candidates in this was that, regardless of the type of hunting someone does, being a Hunter requires a lot of skill and daring. No one should look down on a Hunter, even if they're a type of Hunter that doesn't sound like what they hunt would be difficult. As far as the boob shot, Greg mentioned it as you were watching the episode. It's basically just to show that the Chairman is a perv. The boob shot is because that's where his eyes were focused at while he was talking to her and then his eyes moved and he was looking upwards. It's only noticeable if you're watching his eyes in that scene.


Aaahhhh okay, definitely didn't see his eyes move, but that would make sense. In the moment it felt like a funny way to highlight a detail that, otherwise, doesn't really seem to play into anything (yet). I think partly I just didn't want it to be the obvious stereotype haha. But I like your take on this episode! Certainly wouldn't say I disliked it - and that's a good point re: Gon and the pigs. He does get to step up and use his zoological expertise. And help people literally not-die by timing the updrafts. I thought we touched on that in some way or another, but maybe we weren't very specific. But yeah, I appreciated the core ideas, certainly - the idea that there are a lot of different kinds of hunters and there's something to be learned from all of them, even when it doesn't seem like "why you got into this." And looking at this episode from that perspective, it fits a bit better. Appreciate your thoughts!! :)