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REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/354738413/4a60469c3e

Review After Reaction Begins at: 22 Mins & 28 Seconds

Episode Synopsis:  Light uses the Death Note to try to get rid of the woman who could get him captured-  and is shocked when it doesn't work...  meanwhile, the Kira Task Force begins to take shape..



Death Note 1x7 STREAM ALONG


Jen Smith

...a moment of silence for Naomi... Damn it I've been waiting to watch this one just to see how you took it. My friend who got me into DN watched me watch this episode because I was leaning Pro-Light. My heart SHATTERED. Light went into full on serial killer mode, stalking, manipulation, and then... UGGGGGHHHHH the BRAGGING. Just full on "I'm Kira, hahaha". Fucking hell man. I mean, I get it... but still. Darker shades of Light coming out . And not to sound creepy, but your face when Light turned the tables, damn. It was that edge of seat moment where you're not 100% sure if he'll get away. The storyline needs it to but man, we cling to that sliver of hope she gets away. I'm so glad you're doing this react stream along. DN has the story and the art for it. Thanks again for another amazing stream and analysis. In the words of my 8 yr old, John, you rock not just my socks, but my shoes as well. Until next time friend!

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

Definitely one of the most memorable episodes in the series. This is the point where I realised there's no way Light could redeem himself. He's just a total sociopath.


I am 90% sure that particular shot, you mentioned , was cgi. I base this just because the shading and animation/movement was very different but i might be wrong , lol. As for ep, yeah it was really good . Light struggling is always entertaining , haha . And I just love the way they change the visual flair when Light admits to Naomi that he is Kira . Really well done . Theres just sense of emptiness in that scene, which im sure was intentional

Elle B.

This episode is so good and it’s only gonna keep ramping up. You may be screaming by the end lol I was! You know, a director like Park Chan-Wook may also be able to do it justice if they ever tried to do a live-action again. I’ve only seen a few of his films but I think with a good writer to adapt the script, a miniseries would be fantastic.


Ughhh, seriously!! 😫 This episode was next-level. Deeefinitely can't blame your friendo wanting to get a good look at your reaction ...espeeecially coming from Team Light 😅But seriously though, just the friggin' buildup over this episode was insane. And yeah, the L moment initially had me on the "Light's a Sociopath" train, but this moment is a whole other level. Watching him go from panic to that horrific self-satisfaction was chilling. No worries about me face haha, I don't think that's weird. Definitely had a whoooole lot of feelings goin through my mind (and face) at that moment. Gotta appreciate a show that can break your heart, but in a way you know is necessary for the story & the tones. Ugh. Seriously thrilled you're enjoying these & always appreciate your feedback :) we get to shoot a lot of cool stuff each week, but this is always a big highlight for me. Aaaand that's super adorable 😊say what's up to your kiddo for us. Y'all definitely rock our shoes, socks, n toenails, so that means a lot. See ya on the next!


God, this was wrenching! And yeah haha, if you weren't on that train when he killed Fake-L, I think it's nearly impossible not to be, now. Bloody hell, the maniacal streak in him!


Yeah haha, it got me curious. I think I'd probably err toward your take, unless they hand-drew it on 1's instead of 2's or 3's. Those extra frames can create a different quality of motion, but then again.. CG can too. Yeah, this was definitely a highlight. Love that light snowfall, and yeah, the shift to the monochrome colors with the splashes of blue and red. Definitely gives the end, especially, after all this buildup, a very cold, desolate, mournful tone. I think especially too with the way they animated Naomi's body language and the tone in her VO after the note is written. Such terrific filmmaking. ...and now, as a palate-cleanser, I just wanna watch Light struggle for 3 straight episodes lol


God, the amount it's already ramped over the course of 7 episodes, I shudder to think how much crazier things are gonna get 😅I can only fathom what kinda reactions that's gonna produce.. aaand I'm gonna have to check out some more Park Chan-Wook joints, but from what I do know of his filmography, that sounds like a pretty killer choice as well. Perhaps in 10 years when somebody tries to remake it again lol