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REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/353660778/b76ac3cc6d

Review After Reaction Begins at22 Mins & 19 Seconds

Episode Synopsis:  The remaining Task Force officers finally establish contact with L... meanwhile, Light encounters a woman at the Police Department with an urgent message for the Kira Task Force...



Death Note 1x6 STREAM ALONG



So Im all for original Japanese VA in anime Thats just how I am. But I just have to admit , L's english VA is just fantastic , it has this very specific cadence and tone and fits with L's personality really well. As far as feet goes, IDK about all the anime that show that, but for Death Note , in this case for L, I just assumed its showing his unorthodox way of speaking with people and him being less socially acclimated ? And just in general, the way his feet were , I just assumed its portraying lack of trust in people and always having walls /not having confidence in talking with groups of people. But thats just me guessing basic body language portrayed in media, lol. As for tension, I think its super hard to create genuine tension in anime . Its one of the strengths of the show imo, people just talking and thinking and its this good, lol. A lot of that has to do with direction/imagery and music I feel. Like yes, the key part is the writing from manga , but i just think all the other parts elevate that sense of tension . As for music , I think Death note was the first anime that I started listening to the soundtrack on its own . It was just that good and i think its pretty darn unique how it was done scene by scene basis, it did not feel like the usual anime music stuff i was used to.

Elle B.

I love L so much and I’m glad you were so entertained by his scene in the hotel! His character design is perfect; the giant eyes, dark circles, him crouched in the chair like a cat. Lol the voice actor kills it too. I def get the Fincher vibes, probably because the tension in the show is driven by dialogue and how they treat the reveal of new information.


I feel ya. Actually been listening back and forth some to the English vs. Japanese voiceovers for L. There's an extra note of.. calm? or like a calm fascination? Something that I get from the English. I think it harmonizes with his with his quirkiness in a really nice way (at least so far). Appreciate you putting some thought on the feet haha. Just curious more than anything. It made sense for L, but there's a different moment (I think with Light and Naomi?) where there's a random insert on one of their shoes and, unlike the L scene, it didn't seem motivated by.. much of anything lol. And I've noticed moments like that occasionally on other shows. I know shoulders are often emphasized for masculinity and attraction sometimes... I'm over here like "what do the feet symbolize?!" ...or did they just need something to fill a few frames lol And that's a great point re: the tension. Because it's all in how you capture those words and ideas that makes you feel them. The one after this just went up and I was fascinated by how they were able to make that so wrenching and it's basically just 2 people walking back and forth lol. Loving the music as well. Do you mean they mostly composed original pieces for each scene instead of recycling a few notable cues (I feel like Fullmetal had a few of these), or more just the personality of it? Either way, really loving the way this show's put together.


Haha right?? I can see why people love him. He's delightfully odd in a very unassuming sort of way. And yeah, they way they animate him combined with this VA is awesome. He always sounds eerily calm and yet like the gears are always working. And thaaat's a great point re: Fincher. I feel like this would remind me of Zodiac or something like that (once I see Zodiac lol). I love when people can take information or context and turn that into the intensity and the "Oh-Shit!!" moments haha.