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"Red Sky at Morning"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/353030190/9a60424385

Review After Reaction Begins at: 41 Mins & 12 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: Sam and Dean investigate the mysterious demise of drowning victims who were nowhere near water at the time of their death...  meanwhile, a familiar face is up to something fishy..



Supernatural Stream Along


Laura Moore

I can’t wait until you get to the “walking dead” references 😂 like they reference Jeffery Dean Morgan’s character and I just fucking love it! Y’all have seen bits of it already but you have no idea how meta this show can get. It’s beautiful.


Oh damn haha.. we've been hearing whispers, but I have a feeling we have yet to even scratch the iceberg 😅 either way, I'm pretty excited. I love when shows can get cheeky like that.

Max Brander

im a new pateron supporter :) i love supernatural, i have 3 supernatural tattoos. that show is addictive lol.

Toasted Toad

I really wish they had taken this opportunity to dig into Bella's past a bit, instead of glossing over it. They tell us here that Bella has been responsible for a family member's death, yet the boys don't push her for any info, or check it out for themselves? That seems odd. I like also that Dean genuinely dislikes Bella. He's not pretending to dislike her to hide his sexual attraction (although he's not blind). He despises her for using her knowledge purely to benefit herself instead of helping anyone. In certain ways, Dean is extremely moral. She's not going to win him over by being beautiful or clever or witty. Only by changing. I do like how they subvert the gender norms, though - usually, it would be the glamorous woman walking down the stairs and the man sighing with admiration. Instead, it's the other way around. But then they undercut it with Bella coming straight out and saying what's on her mind - "angry sex" and Jensen's reaction shot. Generally speaking though, this episode is not highly rated by most people. The ending makes no sense. Why would the brother apologize anyway? What's supposed to be happening? But they save Bella, so whatever.


That's so cool! I'm sorry for catching this on the late side 😅😖 What are your tattoos?? We are super-late to the party for this show lol, but we've definitely caught the bug. Thanks so much for joining us!!!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:06:19 Haha yeah, that resolution seemed crazy quick. Almost felt like they had too much for one episode or something. That's a good point about Bella haha. After some time seeing her now, you'd think they might investigate her a little (althooouuugh, given where we are as I'm writing this, mayhaps some investigating is nigh?). I gotta imagine she'll humanize a bit more, eventually, but I like your take on Dean's POV. I s'pose it's easy to mainly think of him as the horndog, but it seems like he has hits wits & priorities straight always (barring his personal shit haha). LOVED that scene with her on the stairs haha. Some of my favorite Dean moments, I think, tend to be when it's him somehow way out of his element. Overall, this was an episode, in hindsight, I think had a lot of cool aesthetic & character ideas and for whatever reason couldn't quite find the balance/space to service them all. Maybe we'll get a better spooky pirates redux in the future, althoooouuugh I will say, the intense water-vomit deaths were a pretty gnarly idea. 😱
2019-09-11 00:03:14 Haha yeah, that resolution seemed crazy quick. Almost felt like they had too much for one episode or something. That's a good point about Bella haha. After some time seeing her now, you'd think they might investigate her a little (althooouuugh, given where we are as I'm writing this, mayhaps some investigating is nigh?). I gotta imagine she'll humanize a bit more, eventually, but I like your take on Dean's POV. I s'pose it's easy to mainly think of him as the horndog, but it seems like he has hits wits & priorities straight always (barring his personal shit haha). LOVED that scene with her on the stairs haha. Some of my favorite Dean moments, I think, tend to be when it's him somehow way out of his element. Overall, this was an episode, in hindsight, I think had a lot of cool aesthetic & character ideas and for whatever reason couldn't quite find the balance/space to service them all. Maybe we'll get a better spooky pirates redux in the future, althoooouuugh I will say, the intense water-vomit deaths were a pretty gnarly idea. 😱

Haha yeah, that resolution seemed crazy quick. Almost felt like they had too much for one episode or something. That's a good point about Bella haha. After some time seeing her now, you'd think they might investigate her a little (althooouuugh, given where we are as I'm writing this, mayhaps some investigating is nigh?). I gotta imagine she'll humanize a bit more, eventually, but I like your take on Dean's POV. I s'pose it's easy to mainly think of him as the horndog, but it seems like he has hits wits & priorities straight always (barring his personal shit haha). LOVED that scene with her on the stairs haha. Some of my favorite Dean moments, I think, tend to be when it's him somehow way out of his element. Overall, this was an episode, in hindsight, I think had a lot of cool aesthetic & character ideas and for whatever reason couldn't quite find the balance/space to service them all. Maybe we'll get a better spooky pirates redux in the future, althoooouuugh I will say, the intense water-vomit deaths were a pretty gnarly idea. 😱


Oh yeah, "Don't objectify me" is definitely top 5 of Dean moments, but just wait until S5E11. That has my number 1 Dean moment....haha


Hi Toasted! I’m catching up on Reel Rejects back catalog of videos and wanted to say how much I like how you outlined Dean having a moral compass when it comes to helping people, particularly with the supernatural. He is quite righteous in that regard 😉