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Thanks for the request, PETE DAWN!!!


Should Your Boyfriend Play Grand Theft Auto V REACTION!!!


Jessica McGuire

This was a fun video to watch and I always enjoy watching your reactions, but the writing in LA bit got me curious. Mind if I ask what that's about?


During the shout-out? That's moooostly us goofing around and being mildly facetious about how difficult the writing game can be. Pete (who requested this) has been pursuing writing, so that was our inspiration for the shout-out this time.

Jessica McGuire

Ah, okay. That kind of caught my attention because I'm a writer myself. I have an idea that would work very well for a TV series, I think, and several original novel ideas that I've been kicking around for ages, but haven't gotten around to actually writing. Maybe one of these days, I'll get off my butt and do more than just think about the ideas, but I don't know much about the LA writing scene, so I was curious.


Ahh yeah haha, sorry about that 😅There's not much in the way of legitimate advice in that shout-out, although there is certainly a writing scene out here; lots of ways to network, hone, submit, seek representation, etc. Certainly not impossible to navigate, but from what little I do know if it, it can be a challenge & a fair amount to manage once you get your foot in the door. Lots of competition, obviously, although there are also more outlets than ever before, so there's that as well. But I also have to imagine that any of the basic resources we have here you'd be able to find somewhere near where you are. At least while you're getting started & breaking into the process of transferring those ideas from your head onto paper.. Once you've got a groove going and you're used to getting your ideas out there, you get a taste for the game & all that, then I'd say start considering LA-type options.

Jessica McGuire

Thank you for the information and the advice. I'm curious about the LA writing scene because there's a possibility that I might be moving there next year and, since the topic came up, I thought I'd ask. It's still undecided at the moment, but it's good to know a bit about the possibilities. Again, thank you for the info! :)

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:06:57 No problem! And best of luck if you do move!! It can be a tricky place to live, but it's also filled with a lot of opportunity & interesting places to discover. Just keep on writing and brainstorming in the meantime!
2019-08-06 22:23:01 No problem! And best of luck if you do move!! It can be a tricky place to live, but it's also filled with a lot of opportunity & interesting places to discover. Just keep on writing and brainstorming in the meantime!

No problem! And best of luck if you do move!! It can be a tricky place to live, but it's also filled with a lot of opportunity & interesting places to discover. Just keep on writing and brainstorming in the meantime!